Anyway, am hoping to buy some of the groceries for Christmas eve next week. I still have to wrap the presents for the boys, and decide what color our clothes are going to be for the Christmas pictorial. Hehehe... I'm sure it'll be a Merry Christmas this year indeed...
I miss our parol. It's so Pinoy. Now that I'm out of the country, there isn't a parol in sight. Kaka-miss talaga. Whenever we pass those vendors selling lighted parols along the road near NAIA it always gives me a joyful feeling. They look really cheerful and colorful, lalo na sa gabi. The paper lanterns are wonderful too but the big lighted ones really brighten the house. I like those the best.
My mom told us stories of how, when she was a little girl, she and her cousins would go caroling and bring these paper lanterns with them. The parol in those days had candles inside them to provide some light for carolers. She said that every night when they went home, their paper lanters would be singed or burned from the candle. Sometimes they would have burns from the hot wax that dripped on their hands and fingers. It really is nice to hear these kind of stories. Makes me wonder what kind of stories I'll be telling my kids when they are older.

Do you remember watching Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer in your childhood? Remember that stop-motion animation? Sam, the snowman is the narrator of the story. Of course, there's Santa Claus. Rudolph leaves the reindeer games because of the teasings about his nose and he meets Hermey, an elf who wants to be a dentist. Then, there's Yukon Cornelius the prospector and the Abominable Snowmonster. It's such a cute story. I used to watch this all the time, every Christmas as a child. I think I watched this as faithfully as I watched "The 10 Commandments" every Holy Week. A few days ago, I asked Ruther about it and he remembers the story too. He downloaded it and now, the boys, Ruther and I can watch this together. Isn't that great? Another tradition formed. Watch it again and relive your childhood...
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