Tuesday, December 05, 2006

November 13, 2006


Has something so absolutely wonderful ever happened to you that you think, "this surely must be a dream"? I have. Twice.

The first one was when I got married to a wonderful man. The memories of that day will never leave me no matter how old and gray I become. On that day, I believe God truly came down and gave Ruther and me a kiss as a loving father bestowing His blessings upon us. On that day, I felt the most extreme happiness, contentment and love that I have ever experienced in my whole life. It still feels like it all happened yesterday. When I became the wife of a wonderful and loving man and before God, decidedly shared my life, my heart, my soul with him, maybe, just maybe, heaven has found a tiny place here on earth for Ruther and me.

The second wonderful experience is coming to live with Ruther in Japan. I have already been calling this the "adventure of a lifetime." MY adventure. Truly, coming here and being with Ruther after so many miserable months of separation is like being given a new spirit, like breathing fresh air after what seemed to be a very VERY long time. I feel so renewed, so enthralled and so blessed to be having this wonderful experience. Everyday is a new day. The experiences we have, the new memories we create, the bonding of family... all these will not be forgotten. Some things will always remain in memories. These will surely be one of them.

When you look at your life, the greatest happinesses are family happinesses. ~Joyce Brothers

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