One of my practice shots back in Zamboanga...
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
We have a scheduled brown-out tomorrow (Wednesday). It'll be from 11pm to 5am. I know. Crazy, right? I mean, why the power outage while people are supposed to be in bed?? Idiotic. Anyway, I've been thinking of ways on how we're going to manage then. I'm sure the boys will be complaining about the heat and having no electricity. Ruther told me to go someplace cool like McDonald's. That's actually a good idea because there's a McDonald's just outside our subdivision and it's open 24 hours. So maybe that's possible. I'm even thinking of buying a rechargeable fan. But I'm still not too sure about it because well, it's be costly and we might even get to use it a lot before we go to Japan. So it'll be a waste of dough. Ruther was worried about the boys but I told him that they need to experience things like this so they won't take life for granted. They also need to learn to be creative in such situations. I mean, they need to rough it out once in a while, right? Anyway, I'm planning on practicing my low light shots tomorrow during the brownout. Hopefully, I'll be able to practice enough. Let's just hope the electricity does come back at 5am as scheduled or I'll surely have a couple of cranky preschoolers in the morning.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
serves 6
preparation time: 30 mins
cooking time: 20 mins
1 C water
1/4 tsp salt
1 C sifted flour, plus additional for dusting
1 C oil
Hot chocolate:
1/2 C sugar
1/2 C cocoa powder
1 1/2 C fresh milk
To make the fritters, combine water and salt in a saucepan and bring to a brisk boil. Put the flour in a large heatproof bowl. As soon as the water boils, pour it over the flour. Stir until a smooth dough is formed and the flour separates from the sides of the bowl.
Spoon the dough into a pastry bag with a large tip. Pipe into 15 cm strips on a greased and floured baking tray, or pipe into U-shaped strips.
Heat oil in a frying pan and deep fry the dough strips until golden yellow. Drain on paper towels and set aside.
To make the hot chocolate, combine sugar and cocoa in a saucepan. Pour in the milk. Stir well to partly dissolve the cocoa and sugar. Bring to a boil then reduce heat to simmer. Continue simmering, stirring constantly until liquid becomes very thick, 5-10 minutes. Pour into a cup and serve with the fritters. The fritters can be dipped in the hot chocolate when eaten.
If the leftover hot chocolate is too thick, add 1/4 C milk and simmer over low heat before pouring into cups.
I'm still coughing. And I sound bad when I do. My throat itches all the time and when I breathe in the air tickles my throat so I try to breathe shallow and slow which is stupid because I can't consciously do that all the time. I get distracted by things I have to do and eventually my throat itches so much and I start coughing. And it's an endless cycle. I've tried drinking calamansi juice but it didn't help much. It only made my tummy acidic. I've tried lozenges but the relief is only temporary. I surely don't like my cough but after experiencing a really bad headache the other day when I was down with fever, I'll take this cough over that anytime.
Yesterday, I trimmed the boys' hair. I was actually thinking of bringing Nikki to a barber shop but it started to drizzle and I didn't want Nikki to get sick in the rain and put the trimming off for another day (their hair needed a trim in my eyes) so I thought, why not do it? It was a good thing the boys didn't put up a fuss although Ethan was particularly fidgety so his bangs were a bit crooked, but I was okay with their trim. Ethan would surely feel more comfortable with his shorter haircut and Nikki looks neater now. I suppose my hair-cutting skills will come in handy again once we're back in Japan. :D
Friday, April 24, 2009
serves 6-8
preparation time: 10 mins. + 30 mins for soaking
cooking time: 20 mins.
2-3 large sweet potatoes
4 C iced water
1 C oil
3 tbsp sugar
Peel the sweet potato and cut into very thin slices. Soak the sweet potato slices in iced water for about 30 minutes. Drain and set aside on paper towels to dry. Heat the oil until very hot. Deep-fry the sweet potato slices until they turn golden yellow and are firm and crispy. Drain on paper towels. Dust lightly with sugar before serving.
CRUNCHY ANCHOVY FRITTERS - from Filipino Snacks and Sweets cookbook
serves 6
preparation time: 35 mins.
cooking time: 25-30 mins.
200 g dried anchovies
2 C warm water for soaking
1/2 C dark brown sugar or palm sugar
3/4 C flour
3/4 C cornflour
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp ground white pepper
1 tsp baking powder
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1 C oil
Soak anchovies in warm water for about 30 minutes to rehydrate and remove some of the saltiness. Drain anchovies on paper towels. Put anchovies in a bowl and mash with the dark brown sugar or palm sugar.
In a bowl, combine flour, cornflour, salt, pepper and baking powder. Coat the anchovies in the cornflour mixture. Dip in eggs then coat again in the corn-flour mixture.
Heat oil in a wok and fry the anchovies in batches until coating turns golden brown and anchovies are crunchy, about 1-2 minutes. Remove each batch from wok and drain on paper towels before serving.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Anyway, there's a good perk to Ethan's nap refusal. This afternoon, we spent some time together; some Ethan and Mommy bonding time. I suppose, since Ethan never got to experience being an only child, it helps to spend some alone time with him. And it was nice walking with him and going to the bank with him and going to the supermarket with him without Nikki for a change. Nikki can be so obsessive-compulsive which I feel stifles Ethan somewhat so some moments without big brother Nikki is good.
In Japan, I remember, we attended a barbeque once with some of Ruther's Japanese friends and some of them brought their kids along. At around 2pm, the boys settled down and napped on a mat. Ruther's Japanese friends asked him (Ruther told me about this on our way home) if it was a usual thing for our kids to nap at that time and Ruther said yes. So the other kids played and ran and did their thing while my boys slept. When I told my sis about it she said, "No wonder they are small!" Hahaha! Different cultures, all right.
I don't know how long this no-nap thing is going to last but I sure wish Ethan would try napping some time. He's such a hyper kid and he really needs his rest. Ruther says not napping in the afternoon would mean he would get to sleep earlier at night and that's true. But it would still be nice to see him doze for even an hour or so just so he could get some rest.
serves 8-10
cooking time: 20 mins
2 1/4 C flour
2 1/2 tsp baking powder
1 tbsp sugar, adding extra as needed for dusting
1/2 tsp salt
1 egg, lightly beaten
1 C fresh milk
1-2 large sweet potatoes, grated (about 3 cups)
1 C oil
Sift together the flour, baking powder, sugar, salt, and sugar in a bowl.
Combine the egg and milk in a separate bowl. Beat into the flour mixture to form a smooth batter. Blend in the grated sweet potatoes.
Heat the oil in a wok or frying pan. Scoop out about 1/4 C of the batter and fry in hot oil until golden brown. Remove from the wok and drain on paper towels. Repeat with the remaining batter, adding more oil to the pan if necessary. Dust with sugar if desired.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
serves 6
preparation time: 5 minutes
cooking time: 20 mins
1/4 C solid vegetable shortening
1/4 C butter
1 C water
1 C sifted flour
5 eggs
1 C oil
1/4 C powdered sugar for dusting
Put shortening, butter, and water in a large saucepan. Bring to the boil. When water is briskly boiling, stir in the flour. Continue stirring until mixture is smooth and separates from the sides of the pan. Remove from heat and set aside to cool for 10 minutes.
Beat in eggs, one at a time, beating thoroughly after each addition. Set the mixture aside for a few minutes at room temperature.
Heat the oil in a frying pan. Scoop about 2 tablespoons of the batter and fry in hot oil until golden brown. Repeat with remaining batter, adding extra oil if necessary. Drain cooked doughnuts on paper towels then dust lightly with sugar before serving.
It was raining yesterday but I went to Ruther's office to get my Intellicare (HMO) card and the PhilHealth forms (for reimbursement during Nikki's hospital stay). The PhilHealth forms are important so I could get back about P10,000 I spent for hospital fees. Turns out, I will still have to go to a PhilHealth office to get another form: Member Data Record to complete all the documents THEN be able to apply for reimbursement. Grrr...
After going to Ruther's office, I passed by SM Southmall to buy a charger for the boys' Nintendo DS. It was still raining at that time. After testing one charger, I decided to buy two just so I'll have my own charger as well. The old charger broke in Zamboanga (and another charger was gnawed by our pet rabbit a long time ago) and we don't have a replacement so I figured, we better have two at hand. Besides, one charger cost only P199. After that I went home (around 4pm) and tended to the boys. At around 5pm I was feeling chilly so I put on my sweater. By 515pm I felt a headache coming on so I tried to nap and told Nikki to wake me at 6pm.
When Nikki woke me, I was burning up and I felt like hammers (or mallets) were pounding on my head incessantly. It was horrible. I would not have minded the fever at all but the headache was really bad. Anyway, I just lay there and tried to sleep it off but it refused to go away for several hours. Nikki was really concerned about me and kept on reassuring me, "I love you Mommy, okay?" He's such a sweetie. Ethan tried to comfort me in his own way as well, by lying on me or climbing on me and pretending I was a motorcycle. Really cute. Once, he kissed me on the cheek and then said, "Ouch!" because my face was hot. Poor baby.
Although I was pretty messed up last night, I was still glad to have them about me. Russell, my brother-in-law stepped up and helped me with some stuff and let the boys stay in his room while I was dozing off and on. By 12midnight, I felt a whole lot better but I didn't want to take any chances so I took a tablet (paracetamol) and drank lots of water. My skin felt cool and my headache was gone. I didn't think I could sleep after all the hours of dozing (from 6pm onwards) so I tried reading a bit but after a few minutes, I felt sleepy again so I just closed my eyes and slept again.
By morning I felt a whole lot better although my throat hurts a bit when I swallow. I think I'm going to have a cold soon. Well, I won't mind having a cold as long as I won't have a headache. I was supposed to go out today to do some errands but it's been raining real hard so I think I'm just going to do them tomorrow or the next day. I wouldn't want to get sick again. Even if I hardly ever get sick.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Yesterday, we went to the mall and I got Nikki this supermagnet kit. Today we did a lot of fun activities with it and it was nice to do experiments spontaneously. We did the paperclip fish and made it into a game (whoever gets the most fish wins) using fishing rods with magnets on the ends of the strings. We also did a pick-up game with a different magnet (how many objects can your magnet pick up). Then of course, there's the experiments: can magnets pass through paper, plastic, wood, cloth, glass, water or rubber. Nikki had a blast with that one. We didn't get to do all the other games/activities yet, but we'll get to that some other time for sure. For now, I'm just happy that Nikki is having fun "studying" science.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
So, he had to be admitted. He needed a transfusion but his fever refused to go away for 2 days that I was getting worried. My mom was so worried too. I think she practically contacted everyone she knew to ask them to pray for him. Ruther was worried too and I messaged him every once in a while to keep him updated. When Nikki slept and when my parents would go home with Ethan and I would be alone in the hospital, I would cry from frustration, sadness, exhaustion and despair at Nikki's condition. I just didn't know what to do anymore. But Wednesday morning he started to lose the fever with repeated sponging and he took his first transfusion. After that he just got better and better and after the second transfusion yesterday, we were allowed to leave the hospital. It was such a relief. Even if the doctors couldn't tell me what the cause of the fever was, why the fever woulnd't go away for 5 days, and why his hemoglobin, RBC and hematocrit plummeted, it was still a relief to be out of the hospital.
Although Nikki is home right now, I'm still worried about his blood. When we get to Manila tomorrow I'll have another CBC done and then if he does get normal results, only then will I start to breathe easier. We're also going to visit his hematologist (I'm going to make an appointment) and I'll be showing him the lab results during Nikki's hospitalization and hopefully he'll be able to answer any and all questions I might have about what happened to Nikki these past few days.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
1. enrol Nikki in swimming lessons (for May class)
2. renew PRC ID
3. get our NSO documents for our application (and to send to Ruther)
4. have photos taken for the visa application (and to send to Ruther)
5. get my transcripts from Penn Foster
6. have our annual physical check-up (and get my Intellicare health card from Ruther's office)
7. review and take the TOEIC (exam is in June)
8. order RightStart Math for Nikki and Ethan
9. purchase Ruther's shirts
10. follow-up the homeschooling program I wanted to enrol Nikki in
Of course this is not the complete list. There are still other errands and chores and things to do. But this is basically the more important stuff. There's quite a lot, isn't there? I'm now have to make a week-by-week schedule just to make sure I don't forget anything. I'll also need to review my Nihongo, read up on photography and send Ruther some stuff that he needs in Japan through the post office. I just know I'll be pretty busy next week...
Nikki seems to be having a bit of fever. It started yesterday afternoon and after he was all better that evening I thought it wouldn't recur. But this morning he was warm again so I gave him some paracetamol. I'm wiping him down from time to time to cool him and he's sitting up now beside me. He'll be eating dinner soon. Hopefully he'll be better in no time. I really don't want any of my kids to be sick. :(
Last Thursday we did the Visita Iglesia (church visit). We only had time to visit 7 churches but I suppose with the boys along, it was enough. Like most (if not all) Holy Week weather it was quite warm but not as warm as the last time we did the Visita Iglesia (2 years ago, I think). The last time I remember it was sweltering. But last Thursday it was just warm and a bit humid. Nikki had fun holding on to the point and shoot cam and just taking lots of photos. Unfortunately, the ISO setting on the cam was set to HIGH so almost all the photos were grainy. I blame myself for this booboo. I should have checked the settings before handing the cam to Nikki. But although most of the photos (almost all) were ruined, I promised him that we would go around the garden tomorrow to take photos to make up for today. He was okay with that.

Anyway, we went to churches of different barrios/barangays: San Roque, Sta. Maria, Pasonanca, Putik, Guiwan, Tetuan, and the Cathedral. We could have gone to 3 more churches but dad had to be somewhere that afternoon so it was just those seven today. The boys didn’t do much praying because they were distracted by the activities in the church (decorating, cleaning, etc.). It was okay though. As long as they didn’t run around in church and make noise, I was content.
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
This one's for Becky, in reply to a query. I'm sorry I couldn't be more specific. All I know (and was told) is that it's a man's face on a full moon. If I ever find the answer to your question, I'll tell you asap. Meanwhile, this one's for you.
Why the Sun Follows the Moon
The Sun and the Moon used to be married and shared the sky. One day the Moon had to gather vegetables in the forest and asked the Sun to watch over their children. She warned him not to get too near the sleeping kids because they might get burned.He watches the kids from a distance but, because he wanted to kiss them, forgot his wife's warning. He bends over near his children and, horrified, sees them melt. He hides in the forest. His wife, the Moon, returns to find her children all melted. After some time, the Sun shows himself to the Moon. They fight: He throws the vegetables to her face and she leaves him.
On a clear night, when the Moon is full, you will see traces of vegetable leaves on her face. Their children have turned into stars, while the Sun keeps chasing after the Moon in an attempt to reconcile.
The Sun and the Moon
(Mandaya / Mindanao)
THE Sun and the Moon were married, but the Sun was very ugly and quarrelsome. One day he became angry at the Moon and started to chase her. She ran very fast until she was some distance ahead of him, when she grew tired and he almost caught her. Ever since he has been chasing her, at times almost reaching her, and again falling far behind.
The first child of the Sun and Moon was a large star, and he was like a man. One time the Sun, becoming angry at the star, cut him up into small pieces and scattered him over the whole sky just as a woman scatters rice, and ever since there have been many stars.
Another child of the Sun and Moon was a gigantic crab. [135] He still lives and is so powerful that every time he opens and closes his eyes there is a flash of lightning. Most of the time the crab lives in a large hole in the bottom of the sea, and when he is there we have high tide; but when he leaves the hole, the waters rush in and there is low tide. His moving about also causes great waves on the surface of the sea.
The crab is quarrelsome like his father; and he sometimes becomes so angry with his mother, the Moon, that he tries to swallow her. [136] When the people on earth, who are fond of the Moon, see the crab near her, they run out of doors and shout and beat on gongs until he is frightened away, and thus the Moon is saved.
[135] The crab was called Tambanokano.
In the beginning the Sun God, Arao, and the Moon Goddess, Buan had
both a numerous family of stars. Those 'of Arao were of a golden yellow color,
and extremely brilliant, while those of Buan were of silvery white with no heat
at all. Buan became obsessed with the idea that her stars would be unable to
withstand the heat and light of Arao and his progeny. She therefore made a
compact with Arao that they both destroy their stars as a measure of safety.
This they mutually agreed to do.
After the Sun had devoured his stars, the Moon hid hers in the obscurity
of the clouds, from which ever and again they emerged. The Sun seeing this
was filled with righteous rage at the cunning deception of the Moon. In consequence
the Sun is eternally in pursuit of the Moon to destroy her for having
deceived him to protect her progeny.
The chase has lasted since the dawn of time. Sometimes the Sun gets close
enough to bite her. This is an eclipse. Time heals the wound, for the Moon
is continually waxing and waning, as the pursuit closes on her and she takes
refuge behind the higher obscurities.
The Sun returns and devours the stars at dawn or puts them to flight, while
the Moon hides them during the day and only brings them forth when she is
advised by her eldest daughter, Tala, the Evening and Morning Star, that the
Sun is far away and cannot pursue them.2
I wish everyone a blessed week. I know some families are planning trips and get togethers but let's not forget the real reason behind the no-work-and-classes week: Jesus. So, let's just be mindful of our Catholic duties, spend time with our families and, good or bad, reflect on the year that was.
Monday, April 06, 2009
Yesterday, the boys and I spent the afternoon at a hotel pool. My HS friends and I decided to meet up and bring our kids along. I thought it was a great idea since 1. it’s been getting so hot these days, the boys would surely love a swim in the pool, 2. it would be good exercise for the boys, and 3. it would be nice for them to meet my friends and their kids. Nikki really enjoyed meeting the kids. Ethan too had fun being on his own in the pool (which is how he wanted it to be). And I had a fun time talking to my friends and taking photos. It was a pleasurable afternoon. Hopefully more fun days for us ahead…
Nikki answered his workbook this afternoon. Nothing big. We did a bit of English and then Math. Then he went to his sciencewithme site and reviewed the animations there. (I think it’s a wonderful site!) He’s learning a lot about earthworms! This morning, the boys went to a fast food resto and played on the slide. That was their physical education for the day. Later, we’ll be doing more worksheets and then read some books. It’s a pretty slow day but still very rewarding.
I am currently looking for a homeschool program for Nikki. After a looooong search I have finally come down to 2: Elija Academe and Kids World Integrated School. The final decision will come after I have spoken to the representatives of each school and gathered all the necessary information. Then and only then will I enrol Nikki in their homeschool program. Hopefully I will be able to come up with a decision before the month is over.
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Editing and picking photos from our roadtrip is giving me a headache. I have to pick photos from 4 cameras (1 cam for dad, 1 for mom, 1 for me and 1 for Nikki) and it's really not an easy task. Anyway, I already did Day 1 and I'm now trying to finish day 2 but there are still so many photos to pick/edit that I think this will take me 2 more days to finish. Oh well. I guess I'll just have to grin and bear it.
Everytime I come to Zamboanga I always feel like I gain weight. I guess it's the lack of activity. There's only so much one can do in a tiny city. I've been looking at the roadtrip photos and boy, do I look huge!! And of course I hate it. So once we're back in Manila, I'm getting on that treadmill again. You betcha I will.