Well, we woke up late again today. It was just so hard to get up because it was really cold. Fortunately, we were ready and out of the house by 9 past. The sky was overcast and gloomy. The air was biting cold and we had smoky breaths. We took the 9:30 (or so I think) train and made our way to Kozukue. When we stopped at Nakayama station, Ruther called my attention and pointed outside. I saw some white stuff falling. Was it snow?!? I really doubted it because 1.) I didn't want to get too excited and just be sorely disappointed if it turned out not to be snow and 2.) the weather forecast said nothing about snow (and it usually is accurate by 85% in my opinion). So, when we stopped by Kamoi station, I tried my best to focus (actually, I was straining my eyeballs and I think I freaked some people beside me) outside the train and there were no white things falling. I thought, "Could it have been ash?" Well, don't blame me for that thought. After hearing stories of eruptions in the Philippines and ash falling from the sky like snow, well, I just didn't know what to think. There HAD to be an explanation for the white stuff I saw. Anyway, next stop was Kozukue and we got off. When we went out of the station, lo and behold! It WAS snowing! No, not the big white fluffy snow. Just the tiny ones. And they were very few. But it WAS snow! It was so exciting and I was so psyched it was actually a little pathetic. I mean, here I am, a grown woman, overly excited about some really tiny snow falling from the sky. We could barely see it. I had to strain my eyes again but I did see some. Sigh. My excitement quelled as quickly as those tiny snowflakes melting upon hitting the ground. We entered the communit

y center and had to wait for our turn because there were a couple of guys using the court. According to the rules, we could use the court at 30 minute intervals if there were other players. So, I simply looked around the eating area and took some photos of interesting things in their display cabinet.

After a few minutes, it was our turn and I was itching to play. Unfortunately, I played poorly because my hands were really numb and I had difficulty gripping the racket. I lost 2 games. I was disappointed at first but I realized later on that I did have fun and I was exercising too so I let it go. Around 1130am, we were told by Ruther's officemate (who just arrived then to play badminton too) that it was snowing outside. I was ecstatic! I grabbed my camera and called Ruther to bring the boys outside. It really WAS snowing! And this time, there were more! I asked Ruther to take my picture. It was just too difficult to get a nice shot so we had to resort to video. It was fine with me. As long as this day was recorded in history, then it's all right. So, on January 20, 2007, the boys and I first experienced snow!! It was really great!! I hope Nikki will remember this at least. =D
do you see the snow?
it's snowing!
I'm ecstatic, Nikki is curious and Ethan doesn't care. =D
By 1230pm we were all ready to eat lunch. So, we headed for Kamoi and ate at our favorite chahan place
Nanhansiaokuan (or at least that's how you read it phonetically, Ruther says). Ruther ordered chahan and yakiniku. It was sooo yummy! I love to eat chahan here! =D Ethan ate lots but Nikki was too tired and slept at the table. Poor baby!

yakiniku with vegetables...


feeding Ethan

oishi desu!

sleepy baby...

Ethan eats on his own

all done...
After lunch, we headed for Yokohama. We had to buy another camera and this time for my mom. She found out that my sister asked us to buy her a camera and so she also wanted one for herself. So, to Yodobashi we went. We got her the same camera as
Ate's and we also got them extra batteries, neck straps and LCD protective films. I'm sure both of them will loooove the cams! =D Anyway, we had to go to Sofmap which was nearby to buy the XD card for Mommy's camera. We got her the 1 gigabyte memory card. She could take LOTS of pictures with that! =D While at Sofmap, Ruther bought a DVD that was on sale. It was Unbreakable. Another DVD to add to his collection. =)

Here's Ruther paying for the camera.
(Yodobashi, Yokohama)
We passed by Uniqlo (which was on the same floor as Sofmap) and checked the clothes that were on sale. Ruther insisted on buying this lovely jacket for me. Of course, I felt guilty about the purchase again but he really wanted me to have it because he said I feel cold quite easily (which is so true because I had 3 shirts in my jacket today and I still didn't feel warm) and also, it was on sale. So, yes, he got it for me and I looooove it! I'll take a photo of it tomorrow. =D

After Uniqlo we had to go home because it was 6pm and the boys were just fed up of our going around. Also, it was starting to drizzle and we didn't bring umbrellas so all the more reason to head home. For dinner, I prepared spaghetti because it was easy to prepare and I know Ruther likes it. Around 8pm, Mommy called us through Skype. I showed her the camera and she couldn't wait to try it out. She might get it in February. She and dad are passing by Manila because my dad has a golf tournament then in Cagayan. We talked some more and they enjoyed seeing the boys. They miss them a lot, my dad especially. He dotes on them.
Anyway, it's getting pretty late so this is the end to my day. Hopefully, Japan will give me more surprises before we head home next month. =D