Took this photo from Ethan's hospital window so it's not too good I suppose.
Monday, June 30, 2008
I finally submitted all our documents to one of the accredited travel agencies last Friday. I picked the one with the cheapest placement fee of P800 (per applicant) which was located at Makati. The other travel agencies charge P2,000 to P2,500, which I feel is a bit too much for the application procedure. Anyway, when I got to the agency at around 9am, the woman at the counter checked all the papers and I found out that I had to get Ruther's birth certificate. This was a surprise because last time, all I submitted were the boys' and my birth certificates and our marriage certificate. I didn't have to add Ruther's. But apparently, the embassy was stricter this time and the woman at the counter said I needed to get his to complete our papers. A bit panicked, I called Mama and realized that I could get his certificate at NSO (National Statistics Office) Makati branch which was a short ride away. So I told the woman I would be back (hopefully before afternoon), hailed a taxi and prayed that there wasn't a long queue at the NSO center. When I got there, I had to fill out a form and get my number which was 180. Worried that I was going to be there all day, I listened for the cashier to call the next number for payment. It was 139. I was relieved. I didn't have to wait all day! (Yes, in the Philippines, you CAN be stuck in a queue for an entire day if you happened to have bad luck that day.) Anyway, I whiled the time way by fanning myself, eating some taho (I was hungry), and subtly observing the people around ( I like doing that). At around 11:15, my number was called and I paid the fee. On the receipt, it said "Date of release: June 27, 2008; Time: 11:45am". Not bad. I just had to wait for 30 more minutes. Surprise! At 11:30 Ruther's name was called and I claimed his birth certificate and grabbed a taxi back to the agency. The woman (surprised that I was back so soon) said that it would take 7 working days to process. So I would have to wait and if I want, I could follow-up the progress of the application by Monday next week. I thanked her and left. Before taking the bus, I bought a burger, fries, a drink and a frostee at Wendy's. I thought of having my lunch in the bus on the way to Baclaran. I got off at Baclaran church and paid for a mass for Ethan's complete recovery and for the approval of our application. I do hope everything will go well. Before riding the jeep that would take me home, I bought 2 toy helicopters from a vendor for the boys. When I finally got home, I was so exhausted I just wanted to fall asleep immediately. But I wanted to have a bath first because I just felt so icky from all the commuting. Anyway, the boys were having their nap when I arrived home but they woke up shortly after I had my bath. So I have them their helicopters and told Nikki I was going to rest for a bit. I slept like a log. But Nikki woke me up at 6pm and I cooked them supper. It was a long and exhausting day that Friday, but this waiting thing is just terrible. It's like there's this sword suspended above me waiting to fall or I'm just holding my breath until I find out the results. Sigh. I know, I should be more patient. But it's just so hard!! Do help us pray for the approval of our application. The visa will be good for 90 days but if all goes well and we make it to Japan, we could always request for an extension (which will be for another 90 days). So that's all that's holding me up now. I'm just hoping with all my heart that my family will be reunited soon.
Friday, June 27, 2008
I know, I know. I disappeared from the face of the earth again. And for good reason. Ethan had to go to the hospital because of mild dehydration. Last Tuesday, for some strange reason, he just started vomiting and complained of a tummy ache. Then he didn't want to eat and just drank water (which he would expel after a few minutes) the whole day and night. Come Wednesday, I brought him to the hospital because I was so worried about his condition and when the nurses at the emergency room confirmed that he needed to be admitted because his eyes looked sunken, I called Ruther (he was at work then) and just broke down. I just felt so bad for Ethan. So, they had to give him fluids intravenously and of course, in true Ethan style he fought everyone who tried to hold him down and prick him. He just hates hospitals (I actually do too). They also tried taking his temperature and his weight. But again, he fought them off (I was on the phone at this time talking to my doctor sis) and when I finally helped them I think they were relieved for the assistance. Anyway, it was a series of cajoling, threatening, bribing, consoling and giving of affection while they got his chest x-ray (front and side) and some blood for testing. He was so cranky by the time I requested for a room. I understood him perfectly. He was hungry, sleepy and was pricked the whole morning so it was natural for him to be mad and frustrated. When we finally got a room I was able to gather my thoughts a bit. I wondered how I was going to go home to get clothes and some of our things. Plus, I would have to bring Nikki with me as well because no one will be able to watch him at home. Good thing my mother-in-law dropped by and when Ethan finally fell asleep around 1pm, I went home and got our stuff and Nikki went to the hospital with me. I think it was good that Nikki was there because Ethan kept on asking for him the whole morning. Anyway, Ethan slept the whole afternoon but didn't want to sleep on the hospital bed because he couldn't feel the AC. He slept instead on the couch. Sigh. When he woke up, he asked for some milk and I gave him some although he only drank a little. I updated Ruther, my mom and dad, sister and Ruther's family about Ethan's condition. At around 3pm, the doctor arrived and she asked me the history. I told her everything and she said that Ethan will need to take some antibiotics because his throat seemed inflamed. She examined Ethan further and it seemed okay. I was a bit relieved when she said that his dehydration was only mild. Thank God. I know it could have been worse. Anyway by evening, Ethan was starting to be his usual self. He wanted to walk around the room but I dissuaded him because of his IV tube. So he just played with his bed instead and kept on pressing the button that made it go up and down. I had no idea how long we were going to stay there but I had some hope that we would be able to leave the next day or even Friday at the latest. Anyway, the next day, when the doctor checked Ethan again she said that he seemed to be doing well so we could go home that afternoon. Yay! I was soooo relieved. The doctor said that he will need another check-up but I didn't care as long as he didn't need to be confined anymore. I just need to give him his antibiotics orally for 6 more days (again, no problem as long as we're going to do that at home) and monitor his appetite. Another good news that day was Ethan's health card (care of Ruther's insurance). The total bill amounted to P12,800 (approx. US$286) but I just paid P2900 (approx. US$65) because of the deductions. THAT was another relief. Whew! Anyway, I wasn't sure who was more glad to be home, me, Ethan or Nikki. I suppose we all were but that night, Ruther was glad that we were all home too. He saw Ethan and was relieved that everything's okay again. I know that it was a scary experience for us, but I still thank God that it was anything but serious. Hopefully, we will find out next week the true diagnosis for Ethan's condition this past 2 days.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Ruther's documents from Japan finally arrived today! Woohoo! More progress indeed... We only lack his ITR (which I will be getting from his office in Alabang on Monday), a xeroxed copy of the ITR and a copy of our flight reservations (I will be calling the travel agency tomorrow regarding this). Also, the boys will be having their photos taken for their visa application tomorrow afternoon. I already had mine taken this afternoon (I looked like I just woke up) because I didn't want to look harassed tomorrow with the boys in tow. I also had the documents xeroxed for personal reference. Oh my goodness! I'm so excited! Once I took the documents from the postman this morning I just felt the excitement kick in. This is really going to happen! Wow. Anyway, I also have to call the accredited travel agencies tomorrow. I have to find out where I'll be submitting all our documents. According to their websites, the placement fees of the agencies vary from P2500 (approx. US$56) to P850 (approx. US$19). Now that's a big difference there so I'll have to think things through. Of course, I will be asking additional questions when I make the call tomorrow so hopefully I will be able to come up with a decision by Monday (I will talk it over with Ruther as well). I'm getting sooooo super excited about this. I'll have to ask the agency as well how long the processing will be. I just know I'll be on pins and needles until I'll know for sure... Oh well. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed and will be saying lots of prayers... =D Wish us luck!!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Am thinking of rearranging some of the things in my room. I've been considering this for some time and I think it'll be nice to move the bed to a corner to give the room more space. There will be some carpentry involved though, but very minimal. Ruther has no idea I plan to do this but I'm not worried. He was the one who wanted more space so I think he'll approve of the project. Anyway, I just have these plans percolating in my head and until they are definite, I can't wait to see the new look of the room!
Miracle of miracles. The other day, Ethan finally got to answer some worksheets. I know, I know, I'm making a big deal out of it again. But it was wonderful to see him answer worksheets instead of his write-and-wipe books for a change. I think we are definitely moving forward. And I know not to push him too much so I just try to make it fun for him. Hopefully this won't be a one-time thing. I'm already looking forward to getting him more workbooks! Woohoo!
Nikki is currently interested in fractions. Which is definitely great because when I was little I hated anything related to Math. I just thought I was poor at it and no matter how hard I tried I always thought, "I'll never get this." Where was a psychologist when I needed one? Anyway, I'm trying to let him go a little bit more at a time just so he won't be overwhelmed. I know other homeschooling parents push their kids a lot but I like to take the laidback approach with my kids. Maybe when Nikki is a bit older, I will. But now, I would just want him to enjoy learning...
Miracle of miracles. The other day, Ethan finally got to answer some worksheets. I know, I know, I'm making a big deal out of it again. But it was wonderful to see him answer worksheets instead of his write-and-wipe books for a change. I think we are definitely moving forward. And I know not to push him too much so I just try to make it fun for him. Hopefully this won't be a one-time thing. I'm already looking forward to getting him more workbooks! Woohoo!
Nikki is currently interested in fractions. Which is definitely great because when I was little I hated anything related to Math. I just thought I was poor at it and no matter how hard I tried I always thought, "I'll never get this." Where was a psychologist when I needed one? Anyway, I'm trying to let him go a little bit more at a time just so he won't be overwhelmed. I know other homeschooling parents push their kids a lot but I like to take the laidback approach with my kids. Maybe when Nikki is a bit older, I will. But now, I would just want him to enjoy learning...
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
1. I never thought Nikki could be so cranky and surly. Even when he was a baby, when he was sick I would just mollycoddle him and he would be all cheered up. But these past days I noticed that he's been so cranky and so surly that it has affected me so and I would just turn to Ethan for for some much-needed pick-me-up. If it weren't for this cheerful and upbeat boy, I would be cranky and surly as well...
2. I could get sick also. And here I thought I was invincible. Actually, I have no fever but I have a sore and itchy throat. Which is VERY irritating. So now, in the room, it's like Nikki and I have this secret cough language (he coughs, I cough, vice-versa, etc.). I've finished 2 packs of Strepsils, and even drank calamansi juice to relieve some of the itchiness but it's hardly doing any good. I'm now trying those Pei Pa Koa "candies" that I heard works for coughs. Will say if it works or if that was all a load of crap.
3. I have always been a nurturing person. But this week I realized that it sucks when no one takes care of you. Of course, my poor husband has become the brunt of my moodiness and I've swamped him with emails about missing him and being alone here and having no one to take care of me and feeling miserable about my very itchy throat. There's only so much he could do naturally and thankfully, he hasn't lost his patience with me - yet.
4. I want this kind of life to stop. If you're wondering what "life", it's living apart from my husband. I know I sound pretty much like a broken record (is that phrase still useful in the 21st century?!?!) but I really, totally and honestly hate it. Hate it hate it hate it. This week I just know that I can't live like this anymore. Ruther and I have to come up with ideas on how we'll make that happen (and I could think of soooo many things right now, more out of desperation rather than reason) but I want him to want it to happen. I want him to say, "I want you with me - permanently." (Are you reading this, sweetie?)
5. I also learned that just because a well-known actor is in a movie doesn't mean it's worth watching. I saw The Wicker Man a few days ago and I really wish I could get back those lost hours. Such a waste of time. Whoever promoted this really weird movie is demented. And I'm not even a die-hard scary movie addict!! Guess that says a lot about the movie, huh...
2. I could get sick also. And here I thought I was invincible. Actually, I have no fever but I have a sore and itchy throat. Which is VERY irritating. So now, in the room, it's like Nikki and I have this secret cough language (he coughs, I cough, vice-versa, etc.). I've finished 2 packs of Strepsils, and even drank calamansi juice to relieve some of the itchiness but it's hardly doing any good. I'm now trying those Pei Pa Koa "candies" that I heard works for coughs. Will say if it works or if that was all a load of crap.
3. I have always been a nurturing person. But this week I realized that it sucks when no one takes care of you. Of course, my poor husband has become the brunt of my moodiness and I've swamped him with emails about missing him and being alone here and having no one to take care of me and feeling miserable about my very itchy throat. There's only so much he could do naturally and thankfully, he hasn't lost his patience with me - yet.
4. I want this kind of life to stop. If you're wondering what "life", it's living apart from my husband. I know I sound pretty much like a broken record (is that phrase still useful in the 21st century?!?!) but I really, totally and honestly hate it. Hate it hate it hate it. This week I just know that I can't live like this anymore. Ruther and I have to come up with ideas on how we'll make that happen (and I could think of soooo many things right now, more out of desperation rather than reason) but I want him to want it to happen. I want him to say, "I want you with me - permanently." (Are you reading this, sweetie?)
5. I also learned that just because a well-known actor is in a movie doesn't mean it's worth watching. I saw The Wicker Man a few days ago and I really wish I could get back those lost hours. Such a waste of time. Whoever promoted this really weird movie is demented. And I'm not even a die-hard scary movie addict!! Guess that says a lot about the movie, huh...
Friday, June 13, 2008
Ethan's cute birthday cake. He loves airplanes so why not this design? =D (Loved the yummy chocolate sponge cake, by the way.)
Our very own private party. =D It was just the three of us but we had fun. Nikki was feeling a bit low because of his cough but he still joined in the fun and I loved him for that. Ethan just wanted to play with the cute candle holders.
Time to blow the candles! Ruther said Ethan's cheeks were so puffy in this photo. Hahaha! But this was not the only time Ethan blew his candles. Come evening while we were talking with Ruther, I lighted the candles again and Ruther sang the birthday song and then Ethan blew out the candles once more. That was my favorite part of whole celebration. =D
Present time! Nikki helped with the opening of presents. Ethan got some nice clothes, a pair of swimming goggles, a toy airplane from my sister, Playdough, and a book about planes - to mention a few...
"I love my toy airplane!"
"Wow! Thanks for my new laptop, Daddy and Mommy!"
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
I brought Nikki to the doctor this morning. He needs to drink antibiotics (for his cough that sounds so terrible lately) and nasal decongestant (for his runny nose which started only yesterday). I'm somewhat relieved that his illness is nothing really serious like dengue. So now, all I have to do is monitor Nikki's intake of medicines and make sure he eats frequently. I already made a chart for his antibiotics just so I won't forget the schedule. Hopefully he'll be okay in no time.
Ruther received my anniversary present last night. It was perfect timing. He liked the shirt and I really picked it out for him. I also got him a hair straightening solution. He finds his wavy hair very difficult to manage so I thought he would want to try that out. He was really excited to use it. This morning, he told me that his pals at the office told him he looks a lot like Nikki and Ethan. =D Funny. Anyway, I also got him a greeting card. I'm glad the package didn't get lost in the mail. I was worried about it but good thing not only did it get there, the timing was perfect. Anyway, Ruther says he'll wear the shirt I got him on Sunday when he goes to church. =D
Been watching the tv series Brothers and Sisters lately. I find the story charming. Some of the political exchanges may seem a bit new and strange to me (republicans vs. democrats) but the family dynamics is really riveting. I just started with the second season and I think the cast is simply wonderful. The chemistry between Calista Flockhart and Rob Lowe is so refreshing and funny. I also appreciate how the story also revolves around gay relationships. Philippine tv rarely shows this and I think it's not very healthy especially when there is much discrimination and ridicule when it comes to gay men (of course, celebrities are the exemption). So yes, I think the writers were very creative in giving such tasteful plots to the gay relationship/stories in the series. There are still a lot of things I love about Brothers and Sisters: solving family problems, staying together during a crisis, helping each other out, sharing secrets, etc. I think the whole family thing is what makes this so appealing to me. Anyway, will continue watching this for now. Hopefully, the story of the Walker family will keep me entertained for a wee bit longer.
It finally rained tonight! Alleluia! At last, after days of sweltering heat, it's finally raining! Also, I am glad for the rain because it's our anniversary today. You ask why? Well, we just have this saying that when it rains on your special day or any special occasion, you're being blessed by God. Okay, it could be nonsense or foolish talk but that's what the elders told us when we were little. And since it's raining right now, on our 8th wedding annversary, I must say, God is surely pouring his blessings on us. =D
Ruther received my anniversary present last night. It was perfect timing. He liked the shirt and I really picked it out for him. I also got him a hair straightening solution. He finds his wavy hair very difficult to manage so I thought he would want to try that out. He was really excited to use it. This morning, he told me that his pals at the office told him he looks a lot like Nikki and Ethan. =D Funny. Anyway, I also got him a greeting card. I'm glad the package didn't get lost in the mail. I was worried about it but good thing not only did it get there, the timing was perfect. Anyway, Ruther says he'll wear the shirt I got him on Sunday when he goes to church. =D
Been watching the tv series Brothers and Sisters lately. I find the story charming. Some of the political exchanges may seem a bit new and strange to me (republicans vs. democrats) but the family dynamics is really riveting. I just started with the second season and I think the cast is simply wonderful. The chemistry between Calista Flockhart and Rob Lowe is so refreshing and funny. I also appreciate how the story also revolves around gay relationships. Philippine tv rarely shows this and I think it's not very healthy especially when there is much discrimination and ridicule when it comes to gay men (of course, celebrities are the exemption). So yes, I think the writers were very creative in giving such tasteful plots to the gay relationship/stories in the series. There are still a lot of things I love about Brothers and Sisters: solving family problems, staying together during a crisis, helping each other out, sharing secrets, etc. I think the whole family thing is what makes this so appealing to me. Anyway, will continue watching this for now. Hopefully, the story of the Walker family will keep me entertained for a wee bit longer.
It finally rained tonight! Alleluia! At last, after days of sweltering heat, it's finally raining! Also, I am glad for the rain because it's our anniversary today. You ask why? Well, we just have this saying that when it rains on your special day or any special occasion, you're being blessed by God. Okay, it could be nonsense or foolish talk but that's what the elders told us when we were little. And since it's raining right now, on our 8th wedding annversary, I must say, God is surely pouring his blessings on us. =D
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
For Ruther
(Oct. 26, 2007)
My days were all full of sadness
Not to mention a bit of madness
When months before we parted ways
Which left me in a perpetual daze
This parting keeps tearing me apart
I feel the pain with each beat of my heart
My tears spill from all of me
I cannot think or hear or see
I close my eyes and think of you
And my senses all tingle anew
The days pass by and so I yearn
and anticipate my love's return.
I'm lost without you, I don't know what to do
I never knew I could be this blue
I've missed you through goodbyes and hellos
I've missed you more than you'll ever know
I can't wait to be in your arms
And once more be filled with your charms
When we kiss I'll know for sure
That my lonely heart is finally cured.
(Oct. 26, 2007)
My days were all full of sadness
Not to mention a bit of madness
When months before we parted ways
Which left me in a perpetual daze
This parting keeps tearing me apart
I feel the pain with each beat of my heart
My tears spill from all of me
I cannot think or hear or see
I close my eyes and think of you
And my senses all tingle anew
The days pass by and so I yearn
and anticipate my love's return.
I'm lost without you, I don't know what to do
I never knew I could be this blue
I've missed you through goodbyes and hellos
I've missed you more than you'll ever know
I can't wait to be in your arms
And once more be filled with your charms
When we kiss I'll know for sure
That my lonely heart is finally cured.
Monday, June 09, 2008
Nikki's fever is still on and off but I'm glad that he is starting to eat now. my sister tells me that if he still is warm tomorrow I'll have to bring him to the doctor. Well, that's not a problem for me. I just want my little boy to get better. That's all that really matters right now.
Do you sometimes feel so tired at the end of the day and yet, when you try to recall the things you did, nothing comes to mind? Well sometimes that happens to me. At night when I tiredly lay in bed, I wonder about the things I did the whole day and for some, they may seem insignificant and for others, they might take those things for granted, but for me, it's just a part of my everyday. Sometimes it can be routinary (like chores) and other times it can be unpredictable (one word: Ethan). Before I was a mom, I was very organized. But once I had Nikki and Ethan I knew I can't obsess about organization with 2 preschoolers or we would all go crazy (especially me). It took me some time to "go with the flow" but now, things are more flexible and less stressful. As a mom to 2 homeschoolers, I've learned to let go of some of the less important things and to focus on the more important ones. Like when I'm in the middle of my book and Ethan wants to go look for bugs or Nikki wants me to give him a push on the swing, it's okay. Or when Nikki is sick and can't do formal lessons so we listen to classical music instead, it's okay too. Or when we're all not in the mood to have "study time" but just do as we please, that's all right as well. So I suppose at the end of the day, as long as I did what I could to make the day pleasing and fruitful for everyone, as long as the boys learned a little something, and as long as I know everything is all right with my family, I suppose, I could fall asleep knowing that we all had a good day hopefully, tomorrow will be another good day as well.
Do you sometimes feel so tired at the end of the day and yet, when you try to recall the things you did, nothing comes to mind? Well sometimes that happens to me. At night when I tiredly lay in bed, I wonder about the things I did the whole day and for some, they may seem insignificant and for others, they might take those things for granted, but for me, it's just a part of my everyday. Sometimes it can be routinary (like chores) and other times it can be unpredictable (one word: Ethan). Before I was a mom, I was very organized. But once I had Nikki and Ethan I knew I can't obsess about organization with 2 preschoolers or we would all go crazy (especially me). It took me some time to "go with the flow" but now, things are more flexible and less stressful. As a mom to 2 homeschoolers, I've learned to let go of some of the less important things and to focus on the more important ones. Like when I'm in the middle of my book and Ethan wants to go look for bugs or Nikki wants me to give him a push on the swing, it's okay. Or when Nikki is sick and can't do formal lessons so we listen to classical music instead, it's okay too. Or when we're all not in the mood to have "study time" but just do as we please, that's all right as well. So I suppose at the end of the day, as long as I did what I could to make the day pleasing and fruitful for everyone, as long as the boys learned a little something, and as long as I know everything is all right with my family, I suppose, I could fall asleep knowing that we all had a good day hopefully, tomorrow will be another good day as well.
Nikki is having a bit of fever these days. I suspect it was because he and Ethan played with the hose the other day and he got wet then. He has on and off fever and that I don't mind so much. It's just that his lack of appetite worries me. He eats so little and gags when I offer him any kind of food. Tonight however, he asked for hotdogs so I was glad that he a bit. Yesterday he ate almost nothing. I monitor his temperature constantly and when I sleep, I think I have one eye open because at the slightest noise, I'm up and checking on him. Today I was so lethargic that I know I need to get more sleep tonight. Hopefully Nikki will be all better soon. I just hate to see my boy listless and not his usual talkative self.
The climate has certainly reverted back to its usual warmth. June is supposed to be a rainy month but I have yet to see rains. It gets so frustrating when it's so terribly warm again in the middle of the afternoon. Without the AC, I'm sure the boys will be restless during their naps. Anyway, here's hoping some rains will come our way soon.
June is also the time when school begins. It's usually a happy time for us homeschoolers because this means no more crowded malls, no more bossy kids at the play centers and no more long lines at the groceries/supermarkets during weekdays. Isn't homeschooling grand? =D
I finally have our birth and marriage certificates for our visa application. I also made the flight reservations with Japan Airlines. This week we need to have our picture taken for our visa. I'm already dreading it because Ethan HATES photo studios. I don't exactly know why but he freaks out when he realizes he's in one. Actually, he also freaks out when he's in a barber shop (which is why I'M his barber) so I suppose it's really a problem for him. So I'm not really looking forward to having his photo taken at the studio. I'm just hoping that when it's time for my photo I won't look disheveled, harassed and like I had just wrestled with a strong, hyperactive, screaming boy.
I know, good luck to me.
The climate has certainly reverted back to its usual warmth. June is supposed to be a rainy month but I have yet to see rains. It gets so frustrating when it's so terribly warm again in the middle of the afternoon. Without the AC, I'm sure the boys will be restless during their naps. Anyway, here's hoping some rains will come our way soon.
June is also the time when school begins. It's usually a happy time for us homeschoolers because this means no more crowded malls, no more bossy kids at the play centers and no more long lines at the groceries/supermarkets during weekdays. Isn't homeschooling grand? =D
I finally have our birth and marriage certificates for our visa application. I also made the flight reservations with Japan Airlines. This week we need to have our picture taken for our visa. I'm already dreading it because Ethan HATES photo studios. I don't exactly know why but he freaks out when he realizes he's in one. Actually, he also freaks out when he's in a barber shop (which is why I'M his barber) so I suppose it's really a problem for him. So I'm not really looking forward to having his photo taken at the studio. I'm just hoping that when it's time for my photo I won't look disheveled, harassed and like I had just wrestled with a strong, hyperactive, screaming boy.
I know, good luck to me.
Friday, June 06, 2008
A lot of celebrations happen in June. Well, in my family at least. First, there's our anniversary, Ruther's and mine. Eight years. It's so amazing and so surreal. Eight years seems like a short time compared to couples who have been together for let's say, 25 years. But 8 years feels both lengthy and wonderful at the same time. Being apart from Ruther I suppose, makes our married years really trying. But at the same time, we've gone through a lot, shared a lot, experienced a lot that 8 years feels so much that we're moving forward. Well, I hope we are. Ruther and I have matured in this relationship and despite some spats now and then, we still manage to remain who we were when we got together all those years ago. And I'm glad for that because I really don't want to change the man I fell in love with. Sure, we could improve on our little faults - be more patient, be more forthcoming - but bottomline is, he is who he is and I am who I am. And I know that he is the man I really am meant to be with in this lifetime and the next. I just hope and wish and pray that soon - very soon - we will no longer be celebrating our special day apart.
Next is Ethan's birthday. His birthday actually falls on a holiday (June 12 is Independence Day) so lucky him. =D When he was still in my tummy, I wondered if he would come out during our anniversary. Turns out, he wanted to have his own special day, so he popped out the next morning. Well, I have no problems with that. I remember Ruther telling me (when he brought Ethan to the hospital after I gave birth to him in a lying-in clinic) that a nurse asked him if Ethan was already a month old when she saw him (Ethan) in his arms. At that, Ruther told her that he was just delivered a few minutes ago. The nurse was surprised because Ethan was smooth and big and not at all wrinkly. I would always remember that story and will sure tell Ethan about it when he is older. This year, we won't be celebrating Ethan's birthday with a party. As I mentioned before, we would rather save the money for our (God-willing) trip to Japan next month. But still, it wouldn't hurt to make my baby's day special for him with some cake and ice cream, right?
The other celebration is my brother-in-law's Russell's wedding anniversary. His wife is a nurse in the US so that means I won't be the only one celebrating a wedding anniversary apart from my better half. I guess that's a bit comforting - and sad. But considering the technology we have on this day and age, I guess I shouldn't complain so much, should I?
Next is Ethan's birthday. His birthday actually falls on a holiday (June 12 is Independence Day) so lucky him. =D When he was still in my tummy, I wondered if he would come out during our anniversary. Turns out, he wanted to have his own special day, so he popped out the next morning. Well, I have no problems with that. I remember Ruther telling me (when he brought Ethan to the hospital after I gave birth to him in a lying-in clinic) that a nurse asked him if Ethan was already a month old when she saw him (Ethan) in his arms. At that, Ruther told her that he was just delivered a few minutes ago. The nurse was surprised because Ethan was smooth and big and not at all wrinkly. I would always remember that story and will sure tell Ethan about it when he is older. This year, we won't be celebrating Ethan's birthday with a party. As I mentioned before, we would rather save the money for our (God-willing) trip to Japan next month. But still, it wouldn't hurt to make my baby's day special for him with some cake and ice cream, right?
The other celebration is my brother-in-law's Russell's wedding anniversary. His wife is a nurse in the US so that means I won't be the only one celebrating a wedding anniversary apart from my better half. I guess that's a bit comforting - and sad. But considering the technology we have on this day and age, I guess I shouldn't complain so much, should I?
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
I usually don't keep track of any good deed I've done. We were always taught in school that we shouldn't be keeping a scorecard when doing good deeds for other people. And I agree. However, I would just like to share the stories just the same because good deeds can be big or little and could inspire other people to do the same. (Well, at least I'm hoping the readers here will. =D)
Good Deed Number 1
Last Monday, I went to the National Statistics Office (NSO) to get copies of my birth certificate, Nikki's and Ethan's birth certificate, as well as our marriage certificate. I need these copies for our visa application. The nearest office from my home was at Macapagal Boulevard. Anyway, when I got there at around 8am, I was shocked to discover a looooooooooong line of people. Really, it was disconcerting. But I got some forms and proceeded to fill them up when I heard a voice coming from the megaphone that said in Tagalog, "Newcomers!! If you don't have an ID with you, don't even bother to line up!" Okay, I didn't have an ID with me. I didn't want to bring my passport because I didn't want it to get lost and my professional license was expired (I didn't bother to renew it when I'm not even practicing my profession). So, dejected I decided to go home and just go back another day. I rode the jeep/shuttle that would take me to Baclaran (from there, I would have to take another jeepney that would take me home). As we left the NSO, the twenty-something woman beside me started asking around if we had change for 500 pesos. At 830 in the morning, that hardly seemed likely. When we got to SM Mall of Asia (which was just 3 minutes away from NSO), she looked sooo worried and I found out that it was because she was getting down there. I took pity on her and asked her how much her fare was. She said 8 pesos. I told her that she could go down the jeepney and I would pay for her fare (it's a bit embarrassing when people stare and wonder what's keeping the jeepney from continuing on its way - people could be so impatient and testy). She was hesitant at first and I told her, "Sige na! Ocho lang yan e." (Go on! It's only 8 pesos.) She said "Salamat ha" (Thank you) and I just nodded at her and she went down the jeepney. I quickly paid the driver (who I think was relieved that he didn't have to go through the whole changing-the-P500 drama) and we went on our way to Baclaran. I must admit I felt pretty good about it. I mean, if I were in the girl's shoes, I would be flustered as well and I would have wanted a good samaritan to help me as well. Besides, I always prefer to offer help rather than have someone ask it of me. I know that's kind of mean, but I've been fooled and conned many times before by the latter. So yeah, I was glad to have helped that poor girl that day.
Good Deed Number 2
This is really no biggie. The boys are outgrowing some of their houseclothes so I decided to select the small ones and set them aside. I didn't however, want to keep them but at the same time, I didn't know whom to give them to. Actually, the son of our housekeeper in Zamboanga would be the perfect candidate but I didn't want to send those all the way home. It would just be so costly. When I asked our housekeeper here if she knew anyone who needed those clothes, she said that her friend had a son who was smaller than the boys and would be able to use the clothes. So I gladly gave them to her. She was happy and so was I. I didn't want to have to put those clothes in storage. It would just be impractical. Anyway, after sorting through most of the boys' things, I also found a pair of blue sandals that were too small for the boys. Then I remembered the little boy of the housekeeper in the house up front who would play on the street without slippers on. The boys and I know him and his mother and they (the kids) would sometimes play outside when we get mangoes from the tree. So I decided to give the sandals to that boy. The mom was surprised but she accepted them and put them on the boy. I was happy to see him walk around with the blue sandals on his feet and no longer dirtying his soles. He was happy, I was happy and I'm sure his mom was the happiest of us all. =D
Good Deed Number 1
Last Monday, I went to the National Statistics Office (NSO) to get copies of my birth certificate, Nikki's and Ethan's birth certificate, as well as our marriage certificate. I need these copies for our visa application. The nearest office from my home was at Macapagal Boulevard. Anyway, when I got there at around 8am, I was shocked to discover a looooooooooong line of people. Really, it was disconcerting. But I got some forms and proceeded to fill them up when I heard a voice coming from the megaphone that said in Tagalog, "Newcomers!! If you don't have an ID with you, don't even bother to line up!" Okay, I didn't have an ID with me. I didn't want to bring my passport because I didn't want it to get lost and my professional license was expired (I didn't bother to renew it when I'm not even practicing my profession). So, dejected I decided to go home and just go back another day. I rode the jeep/shuttle that would take me to Baclaran (from there, I would have to take another jeepney that would take me home). As we left the NSO, the twenty-something woman beside me started asking around if we had change for 500 pesos. At 830 in the morning, that hardly seemed likely. When we got to SM Mall of Asia (which was just 3 minutes away from NSO), she looked sooo worried and I found out that it was because she was getting down there. I took pity on her and asked her how much her fare was. She said 8 pesos. I told her that she could go down the jeepney and I would pay for her fare (it's a bit embarrassing when people stare and wonder what's keeping the jeepney from continuing on its way - people could be so impatient and testy). She was hesitant at first and I told her, "Sige na! Ocho lang yan e." (Go on! It's only 8 pesos.) She said "Salamat ha" (Thank you) and I just nodded at her and she went down the jeepney. I quickly paid the driver (who I think was relieved that he didn't have to go through the whole changing-the-P500 drama) and we went on our way to Baclaran. I must admit I felt pretty good about it. I mean, if I were in the girl's shoes, I would be flustered as well and I would have wanted a good samaritan to help me as well. Besides, I always prefer to offer help rather than have someone ask it of me. I know that's kind of mean, but I've been fooled and conned many times before by the latter. So yeah, I was glad to have helped that poor girl that day.
Good Deed Number 2
This is really no biggie. The boys are outgrowing some of their houseclothes so I decided to select the small ones and set them aside. I didn't however, want to keep them but at the same time, I didn't know whom to give them to. Actually, the son of our housekeeper in Zamboanga would be the perfect candidate but I didn't want to send those all the way home. It would just be so costly. When I asked our housekeeper here if she knew anyone who needed those clothes, she said that her friend had a son who was smaller than the boys and would be able to use the clothes. So I gladly gave them to her. She was happy and so was I. I didn't want to have to put those clothes in storage. It would just be impractical. Anyway, after sorting through most of the boys' things, I also found a pair of blue sandals that were too small for the boys. Then I remembered the little boy of the housekeeper in the house up front who would play on the street without slippers on. The boys and I know him and his mother and they (the kids) would sometimes play outside when we get mangoes from the tree. So I decided to give the sandals to that boy. The mom was surprised but she accepted them and put them on the boy. I was happy to see him walk around with the blue sandals on his feet and no longer dirtying his soles. He was happy, I was happy and I'm sure his mom was the happiest of us all. =D
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
It's Ethan's birthday in a few days!! Wow. It's like I was in limbo last May and now I'm back on planet Earth once more. I suppose I have to start getting things in order. There's just so much to do, so many things to focus on, so many important details to remember. I hope - really hope - that everything goes well.
We're not going to have a party for Ethan's birthday. We're saving the money for the boys' fare to Japan should our visas be approved. We'll still have cake, spaghetti, chicken and presents of course. Maybe we'll even go to the mall with my brother and sister. But I'll surely document this special day for Ethan. It's not everyday that my baby turns 5.
*Sob* Okay, I need to go to the bathroom for a moment... =(
We're not going to have a party for Ethan's birthday. We're saving the money for the boys' fare to Japan should our visas be approved. We'll still have cake, spaghetti, chicken and presents of course. Maybe we'll even go to the mall with my brother and sister. But I'll surely document this special day for Ethan. It's not everyday that my baby turns 5.
*Sob* Okay, I need to go to the bathroom for a moment... =(
The other day I was at the hardware store. I needed to buy some chains for the boy's swing set and there was a queue at the cash register. I patiently waited for my turn (I really don't mind waiting). Anyway, there was a young woman in front of me with an older guy, who I suspected was her uncle. They had bulky items so it took some time for them to be done. I subtly observed the woman in front of me. She was young. Twenty-something, maybe. She was slim and was fair. She had light make-up on (I could see a bit of blush on her cheeks from where I was standing). Her hair was straight, black and was shoulder-length. As she fidgeted in place, I noticed some white stuff sprinkled on her hair. I wondered, "Could it be dandruff?" I was about to conclude that it was that when I noticed small white shiny dots on the strands of her hair. Actually, all over her head. And then I realized, she had lice!! It took all my willpower not to let out a "ewwww!" from where I was standing. Never in my life have I seen that many nits on one head. No kidding! I swear it's the truth! And it was so gross and just looking at all those eggs stuck to her hair just made me want to cover my head with a turban. I just found it disturbing that a pretty woman would be breeding lice on her head. I mean, she should know she has lice, shouldn't she? I mean, how can she not know? It's just so absurd. I mean, her head should be itching like crazy with all those parasites gleefully making a home on her scalp. Even I could tell the difference between a dandruff itch and a lice itch. Anyway, after I realized that the woman's head was covered with nits, I took a casual step back to protect my head from infestation. I know that's kind of mean but hey! I hate those blood-sucking pests. I just hope that that woman realizes she has head lice. Maybe someone close to her will tell her about her problem (how can anyone NOT notice? It's like someone sprinkled iodized salt on her head!!). Maybe she could shave her head. And maybe I won't have to remember the back of her head for the rest of my life. Then we could all be happy.
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