Monday, July 30, 2007

Mystery money in Japan appears in mailboxes, falls from sky
by Miwa Suzuki
Sun Jul 29, 6:32 PM ET
TOKYO (AFP) - A mystery gripping Japan over anonymous cash gifts has taken a new twist. For those who want the next batch of giveaways, the place to look is in their mailboxes -- or even right at their feet.
Residents of a Tokyo apartment building are baffled after a total of 1.81 million yen (15,210 dollars) was found in 18 mailboxes by Saturday, a police spokesman said.
"The money was in identical plain envelopes, which were unsealed and carried no names or messages," the spokesman told AFP.
But residents became "spooked" rather than pleased with the anonymous gifts -- and were too upright to pocket the money secretly.
"Some people initially suspected they were fake bills. When they realised the bills were real, they reported them to us," the spokesman said.
The predominantly middle-class apartment building in Tokyo is not alone. An envelope with one million yen was left in the mailbox of a 31-year-old woman in the western city of Kobe on Wednesday.
Police admit they have no idea who is leaving the cash -- whether a few people are behind the bizarre giveaways or if Japan is witnessing a craze of copycat benevolence.
Since June, dozens of city halls and other public buildings across the country have reported finding neatly packaged envelopes full of cash in men's restrooms.
The bathroom money has come with identical letters asking people to do good deeds -- leading to speculation that the benefactor may be a public servant trying to cheer up his profession or perhaps a member of a new-age religion.
Japanese cash dropoffs are not always so neat.
On Wednesday, bills worth 960,000 yen were inexplicably seen "falling" in front of a convenience store.
"We can just say the money came from the skies," a puzzled police official said. "There were other passers-by outside and customers in the store but the incident caused no confusion," he said.
"People thought it was too eerie to touch."
A man who contacted police saying his daughter had dropped the money had his claim rejected as groundless, the official said.
The largest single dropoff so far was in the ancient city of Kyoto on July 23, astonishing a 67-year-old woman who found an envelope containing 10 million yen of stacked bills in her mailbox.
But mystery money does not always reach police intact.
A woman walking on a bridge over Tokyo's Sumida River told officers that she saw bills falling at her feet from an elevated expressway above on July 6.
She believes 30 to 40 notes fell but police managed to collect only six notes worth 46,000 yen by the time they arrived.
"Some people were picking the money up on the bridge," the Tokyo Shimbun quoted the woman as saying.
No one can say if more people have collected money and not told police.
Media tallies suggest more than four million yen, including some found last year, has been found in the public restrooms.
Dutifully, police are holding most of the money in case the rightful owner eventually decides to reveal their identity.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Outside Japan Home Center.
My gyoza.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Here she is, after I applied a bit of oil around her eyelid. You could see her paws as well and how they are affected by the mites/dandruff. =(
Ruther said he cannot afford to let me go back to Japan anymore. It's just not possible anymore at this time. That saddened me to no end. Although I promised him that I won't gripe about wanting to go back to that wonderful country anymore, I still can't push it out of my head. Every night, I see the photos we took while there and my heart aches. And before I sleep at night, I always think of the time when I will once again step onto Japanese soil. I figure, the only way for me to go back there is for someone to sponsor me or if I work for it. And since I don't know who is willing to do the first one for me, I think I'll have to do the latter one then. And I definitely don't and won't mind doing that if I'm going to see my Japan once more. Sigh.
It's so hard trying to push Japan out of my head and heart. If someone was going to ask me if it were possible to fall in love with a country, I would immediately say "yes!" and a resounding one at that. I just love Japan so much. Sure, it's not perfect, but what country is? I still don't know WHY I'm so in love with this country. I really have no idea. But really, after 6 months of staying there, I suppose it really attached itself to me so strongly and now, I can't stop thinking about it. Even my boys have somehow been influenced by me and are learning Japanese phrases everyday (which I find soooo cute!).
Really, I am feeling quite depressed that I won't be able to go back to Japan. Lately, I have been sleeping at 3am and I have (partially) been neglecting my studies. I just feel so bad about the whole thing. And I really can't push it out of my thoughts. It's Japan, Japan, Japan. I really really want to go back and see it once more. When I see a feature on the Discovery Channel about katanas and samurais, I feel my heart jump. When I read something about Japan in the paper, I devour it voraciously. That's how affected I've become. I think I'm even worse than someone addicted to something!! Sigh. I really really REALLY want to go back there again...
Now I think, I will have to work hard for that. I am planning to finish this course and perhaps work with kids who have special needs. That would be so great. And if all goes well and I will be able to save enough money, going to Japan will be the first thing I'll do. It will be sooo wonderful seeing it again. Just thinking about it makes me tingle in anticipation. Yes, that's something I'm really REALLY looking forward to.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Thursday, July 26, 2007
I'm all better now. My tummy has finally settled into normalcy and the funny feeling has passed. Thank goodness. I really hate vomiting. It's such a dreadful feeling. But I am still careful with the food I am eating, though. I can't take too much citric/acidic foods. It might unsettle my tummy again.
After several days of warm weather, I am very happy to see rain today. It's such a relief. The boys have become so used to going around the house without shirts on because of the heat. I don't mind that. When I was a toddler, my siblings and I (as well as some of my cousins) would also be going around the house our my underpants as well. =D Anyway, I hope it will rain for the next few days as well. It will be so wonderful to have some cool air.
I am a bit worried about Sushi. Her left eyelid seems to be flaky and now, it's drooping a bit. The flaky area used to be just around the upper eyelid but when I checked her condition last night, it spread upwards and now, it's a much bigger area. I don't know what it is but if it doesn't clear up soon, I'm taking her to the vet. =(
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
It actually started with some dizziness in the late afternoon but it was not serious enough to make me worry. I was still able to read several chapters of The Order of the Phoenix to prepare me for the movie (I'm planning to watch this weekend). But around 7pm last night, I was already feeling a bit funny. Well, my tummy was actually. I even told Ruther (when we spoke through Skype) that I didn't know what I wanted to eat for supper but later on, I realized, that was mostly because my tummy felt funny. Anyway, as the night progressed, I felt worse and worse. I thought it just might be because of hunger (I ate only ate 2 bananas for supper because of the "funny" feeling). I really felt like I had a full tummy but I hardly ate anything. It felt like I had a lot of air inside me. When I got up to help Ethan go to the bathroom at around 945pm, I felt terribly sick. While Ethan peed, I rushed to the kitchen sink and vomited. It was really bad. I really could not control the retching at all. It seemed like my tummy wanted to expel whatever it had inside it. Russell, my brother-in-law, saw me vomiting at the sink and was probably so worried he didn't know what to do, much less rub my back to help me feel a bit better. So while I was doing my thing, he attended to Ethan who, earlier on, kept on tugging my shirt to pull up his underpants (because he just came from the bathroom). Eventually, my retching stopped and I had to catch my breath because not only did I vomit continuously, but my throat was now burning. While answering "I think I'm okay" to Russell's "Okay ka lang?" (Are you okay?), I washed my face with water and gargled a bit. I felt a bit weak but definitely better (tummy-wise). To counteract the acidity in my throat, I decided to drink some milk and that I did carefully. I still felt some dizziness so I did not push myself any more and just stayed in bed while the boys played their learning games in the computer (and made a mess with their toys) and I watched some tv. When I got so hungry, I just munched on a piece of cracker because I didn't want to upset my tummy again.
Anyway, it was just a horrible night. I'm a very nurturing person and I usually put others' needs before mine but last night, I thought, it would have been nice for someone to attend to me for a change. It would have been nice to have Ruther hold my hand while I lay in bed. It would have been wonderful for him to have been here for me. But since that was not going to happen, I just gave him a short call (it was 11pm in Japan then) then later on, I updated him through email. Russell was kind enough to check on me at around midnight though.
I still can't pinpoint the reason/s why I felt really sick last night but it could have been because of dizziness (I'm anemic), or all the reading I did on the computer (I couldn't find our book anywhere so I settled for the pdf file), or eating very little for supper. Or it could have been all three. I don't think I caught something because someone else in the house should have showed the same symptoms I had. But no one did. So I am suspecting this is a random thing. Well, I'm hoping it is because I would not want a repeat of that!
Waking up this morning, I felt a bit better but definitely not too okay to make me want to go out of the house. So today, I'll just stay home and rest and just take it easy.
Monday, July 23, 2007
I never thought that I would enjoy having a rabbit for a pet. I am really a dog person (considering the maaany doggies we have back home in Zamboanga). We used to have rabbits (2 actually) when I was little but they were confined to a cage because my mom was too scared that they would scratch me and my siblings. But I realize now that they are not agressive at all (even if their claws could be sharp). When I see Sushi hopping around the room and I feel like petting her, I pick her up and rub her soft fur. She enjoys it a lot but when she feels hot, she would jump right off and head for the fan. =D Sometimes, when she finds Ethan too loud, she would go to her favorite spot: a corner at the wall where the window is. There, she would stretch and sleep, perfectly hidden from the boys because of the curtain. But I could still see where she was because a paw or her tail would be peeking underneath.
I love that she could go anywhere around the room, eat when she wants to, drink when she wants to and not poop all over the place. She always does her business in the same corner everytime. And it's a good thing it's near the door so it's very easy for me to sweep her little droppings. And contrary to what other rabbit owners said before, Sushi's pee does not stink at all. And she is always clean. Which is why I really don't mind it when she hops onto the boys' low bed and frolics there.
Having Sushi is lots of fun. The boys get to interact with a pet and I don't worry about them getting hurt. Sushi is free to hop around the room and I don't have to worry about messes and forgetting to feed her. So yes, Sushi works for us. Hopefully, we will have her longer than any of the boys' other (now deceased) pets. =D
Here she is munching away. She loves her pellets but enjoys cabbages, carrots and a slice of apple. That's her water in the tin. She is always thirsty!
I think she is becoming a fat little bunny. =D
By Queena N. Lee-Chua
July 22, 2007
1. Choose energy-efficient lighting. The old incandescent light bulbs in our homes are inefficient; only 10% of their energy generates light (the rest is lost as heat). Replace them with efficient, compact fluorescent lights that may cost more at first, but which lasts 10 times longer and use 66% less energy.
2. Maintain appliances properly. Do not place the fridge next to the oven; the fridge works harder to keep cold. Clean air-con filters. Unplug appliances when not in use. Twenty-five percent of the energy our TVs use is consumed when they are plugged but not turned on.
3. Conserve water. Take showers instead of baths. Install low-flow showerheads. Use the more efficient front-load rather than top-load washing machines. Better still, wash clothes by hand, in cold water rather than hot.
4. Use computers wisely. Computers are usually left on when not in use, but keep them in low-power mode. Laptops and inkjets are more expensive than desktops and lasers but they are 90% more energy-efficient. Choose multi-function devices that print, fax, copy and scan, since they use less energy than individual machines.
5. Reduce driving miles. Walk, bike, carpool or take public transportation. Avoid commuting in rush hour to lessen traffic time and fuel burned. Keep cars in good condition. Plan and combine different errands into one trip.
6. Reduce air travel. With today's communications technology, I often wonder why business people need to travel so frequently when they can telecommute or conference-call instead. Take the bus, train, boat or even car instead of the plane.
7. Buy less. Energy is consumed in making and transporting everything we buy. Borrow, rent, recycle or use an item secondhand. Choose durable items over disposable ones. Repair rather than discard. Filter tap water instead of buying imported botteld water, since it has to be transported from long distances.
8. Bag groceries in a reusable bag. Gore says, "Americans use more than 12 million barrels of oil each year just to produce plastic grocery bags that end up in landfills after only one use and then take centuries to decompose. Paperbags require cutting down 15 million trees annually." Bring a reusable bag when shopping.
9. Compost. Organic waste such as kitchen scraps and raked leaves usually end up in landfills. Without oxygen to make them decay, they ferment and give off methane, 23 times worse than carbon dioxide in global warming terms. Compost organic waste in gardens - this even makes the soil richer and gives us a good workout too.
10. Eat less red meat. Aside from health risks, a diet rich in meat requires more energy to produce and transport. Most of our forests have been cleared to create graazing land for livestock, at the expense of our trees. Eat fruits, vegetables and grains instead, which are healthier for us, and which require 95% less energy than meat to produce.
from An Inconvenient Truth (Rodale, 2006)
Sunday, July 22, 2007
So after church, we went to the mall. My brother had his hair cut first and he joined me and Ate at Flavors of China, a restaurant we frequent. We got some vegetables, steamed fish, yang chow fried rice and fried chicken (for the boys). We enjoyed our dinner tonight. It was nice spending time together again. I will miss my brother these next few months, that's for sure. Hopefully we will get together once we returns to Manila in September.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Late this afternoon, Ruther told me that there was going to be a matsuri (festival) near Tokaichiba today and he wanted to attend. Since it didn't seem like it was going to rain, I told him to go. He did and went with some friends.
Since I knew that he was going to be home late today, I didn't give it much thought any more. While watching the boys play, the cellphone rang. When I checked caller ID, I saw that it was Ruther. Now when he rings the cellphone, it's my cue to call him back because it's a lot cheaper if we do it this way than the other way around. And so I did. And then he told me what was happening at the festival as it was happening. It may not be a big deal to you but to me it is. For me, there is a huge difference when something was told to me hours after it ocurred or if it was told to me during the actual event. Usually, when Ruther and I talk in the evenings, it's mostly all in the past tense. We did this, he did that, the boys experienced this... It is so rare in our conversations that we actually take part in each others' lives in the present tense. And so tonight was different for me. Tonight was a surprise. Tonight was nice. It gave me a warm feeling that Ruther actually wanted me to be a part of it, to imagine the people around the pagoda dancing, to hear the actual music and the beating of the drums, to listen to the people sing to the music, to feel the excitement in Ruther's voice. It was a wonderful wonderful feeling. After we hung up, there were some tears in my eyes because it was all new and overwhelming. And I really do miss Ruther and Japan.
I really don't know what prompted Ruther to do that tonight; to share the festival with me. I don't know if he realized that I miss his company, that I miss the sights and sounds of Japan, that I value shared memories. It was just a very nice gesture and something that I will not easily forget.
Nikki won a lot.
Oops! I didn't notice that this one was blurred... Too bad...
And here I go:
Three things that scare me:
1. Something terrible happening to Ruther or the boys or any of my loved ones. Just thinking about it makes it difficult to breathe already.
2. Seeing spirits. I don't want to be startled out of my skin by an apparition.
3. Free-falling. It's just something that I can't seem to be brave enough to overcome. (But I will try still.)
Three people who make me laugh:
1. Ruther
2. Nikki
3. Ethan
Three things/people I love:
1. My loving family
2. Internet
3. Japan
Three things I hate:
1. Cockroaches. Yuck. Really disgusting creatures.
2. Rats. Disease-carrying pests.
3. People who are so full of themselves.
Three things I don’t understand:
1. Politics. Especially politics in the Philippines. None of it makes sense to me. Not a single iota.
2. Cricket.
3. Why some people can eat all they want and stay slim. (I actually DO know why that is, it's just a bit hard for me to comprehend why. =P)
Three things on my desk:
1. Laptop.
2. Cellphone.
3. A book.
Three things I am doing right now:
1. Thinking about Japan.
2. Wondering if Ruther is asleep. (It's 2:20am in Japan.)
3. Partly watching a movie on HBO.
Three things I want to do before I die:
1. Build a snowman. Don't blame me. There's no snow here!
2. Travel across the globe. And Japan.
3. Fulfill my 100 things before I die list. (Hehehe...)
Three things I can do:
1. Do a lot of crafty things. You wouldn't believe how "a lot" is.
2. Understand Ethan when no one else can.
3. Be a handyman around the house. (Just not the plumbing, please.)
Three things I can’t do:
1. Win a Mario Bros. game.
2. Donate blood. It's not that I don't want to, apparently, my red blood cells are not healthy. =(
3. Eat maggots or bugs or those sort of creepy crawlies. Eww.
Three things/people I think you should listen to:
1. Your partner/spouse.
2. Your kids.
3. Oprah. Well, I love her so there.
Three things/people you should never listen to:
2. My good-for-nothing cousin who thinks he knows it all but really does not make ANY sense at all.
3. People who criticize my homeschooling choice or the rearing of my boys.
Three things I would like to learn:
1. Professional photography. One of my dreams.
2. How to be a better mom and wife.
3. How to make everyone more environmentally conscious.
Three favorite food:
1. Chocolates.
2. Cakes.
3. Filipino food. (Hehehe...)
Three shows I watched as a kid:
1. Candy Candy. I miss this show.
2. Care Bears.
3. Thundercats.
I'm tagging the following people:
1. Charmine
2. Clea (bwahahaha!)
3. Daphne
Have fun you guys! =D
Friday, July 20, 2007

Thursday, July 19, 2007
As I proceed with my studies, I learned (and continue to learn) many things about Nikki's and Ethan's personalities. I learned why and how they react to things, how they think, how they interact with each other and other kids. It's really fascinating how suddenly, your mind opens to possibilities, to the ways on how to make your kids grow and develop into their full potential. It's very empowering, I tell you. The other night, Ruther and I discussed Ethan's personality. He has always been headstrong and when I read on the ways to handle his type of personality, I tried some of them. And would you believe, it worked. I was so amazed. I told Ruther about it and he said that yes, we have to consider many factors in handling and interacting with Ethan because of his personality.
Now that I am taking this course, I feel like I am no longer feeling my way through guiding and teaching the boys. Now that I am taking this course, I feel that I am more sure of myself and really, that means a lot. The other day at the mall, I was standing in line waiting to pay Ruther's bill. A woman in her 50s was in front of me, carrying a toddler who seemed ready to jump out of her arms from sheer boredom. Engaging the woman into conversation, I asked her, "Ilang taon na po siya?" (How old is he?) And she said, "Dalawa." (Two.) And then she suddenly told me all about his attachment towards her, and how he refuses to go with his lolo (grandfather) or anyone else except her, and why he's so restless, and how he loves to run around and then let her chase after him, and how he's craving for attention now that there's another baby (who is 7 months) in the family, and how his tantrums have become more rampant. And so, I told her about separation anxiety, the effect of a new baby in the family, sibling rivalry, a typical toddler's personality, testing his boundaries, establishing trust with his primary caregivers (mother and grandmother) and all that. It was really nice, being able to share all this to a stranger just to make her understand her grandchild more and to appreciate him even more. I could tell she looked somewhat relieved when I assured her that his tantrums were partly because of the new baby so they should shower him with affection as well so he would not feel overlooked. I then reassured her further that when the baby is bigger, he will be happy to have a playmate, just as Nikki was when we had Ethan.
I must say that choosing to take this course has been one of the best decisions in my life. I must also say that Ruther's support has made it very easy for me to concentrate on my studies. Now that I have this course in my sleeve, I know that I can now confidently counter any misgivings (and criticisms) people might have about my decision to homeschool the boys. It still won't be easy, but at least now, I am prepared.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
I just want to show you the photo of Ruther's old house. This was actually their home in 1976. It really was just a starter home. It had 2 bedrooms, a toilet and bathroom, kitchen/dining area and living room. Mama told me that the land then was ridiculously cheap just as the land now is ridiculously expensive. It also did not cost them much to have this house built. As you can see, there are no houses nearby. This house was one of the first on the street. But now, the house has changed so much. It's so much bigger. When it is done, it will have 6 bedrooms, 3 toilet and bathrooms, a family room, living room, dining room, kitchen and laundry room. =D I guess because the family is growing now, there is a need to expand. Besides, Mama and Papa said that now that they are retired, they want to live comfortably. And why not? I think they really deserve it. =D
Anyway, Papa gave me this photo so I could scan it and then frame a copy. I think it would be a nice conversation piece. The old house in sepia beside the new house in black and white. =D Hopefully, when Nikki and Ethan are older, they will appreciate this photo as well.
I guess after I read that article I should:
1. NOT share my cellphone with anyone.
2. clean my cellphone regularly
3. disinfect my cellphone regularly
4. change my cellphone every 6 months
Okay, maybe not number 4, but I suppose I SHOULD take much better care of my cellphone. Just imagining all the germs on my cellphone makes me want to dump it in a vat of 70% isopropyl alcohol.
Watch the videoclip here. You will learn a LOT, I promise.