Lunchtime! L-R: Ernest (my brother), Russ and Ron (brothers-in-law), me!, Tita Nicki, Mama and Papa. My sis took the photo.
Ethan tries the slide.
Tita Nicki tries the slide too!
This little corner talks about our family: our passions, our experiences, our friends, our country, our travels, our dreams, and our everyday life. Welcome to our wacky world! "Because I have loved life, I shall have no sorrow to die." - Amelia Burr
What Your Halloween Habits Say About You |
![]() Sneaky and devious, people should really watch out for you. You are usually underestimated and forgotten. Your inner child is stubborn and a bit bossy. You truly fear the dark side of humanity. You are a true misanthrope. You're prone to be quite emotional and over dramatic. Deep down, you enjoy being scared out of your mind... even if you don't admit it. You are unique, expressive, and a trendsetter. Your ideal Halloween costume is over the top and one of a kind. |
Is Prince Charming looking at me? Hahaha! =D
Of course, you know where this photo was taken. I am such a HUGE Disney fan so I just snapped away and really wished I had a photo up close. Even Nikki misses Disneyland. As we were lying in bed last night, he told me, "Mommy, I miss Tokyo Disneyland and I miss my Mickey balloon." He sounded so forlorn so I just told him maybe we could go back someday.
I woke up pretty early this morning considering I slept kinda late last night. I fixed most of Ruther's and my books in the shelves. Most of our books are there now, but I think there are still more books in other places in the house (attic, Ron's room, etc.) and I know I have to put them there as well. I finished fixing the books at around 1230am. I know. But I just didn't want to leave the work unfinished. Today I'll need to do more cleaning, fixing and decorating. I will also have to go out and buy the boys' milk and Ethan's ointment. So this will most probably be another busy day for me.PS. Sorry if I haven't been posting photos of the room yet. I wanted it to be a surprise for Ruther so I promise, once he has a look I'll post away.
I am feeling a bit guilty that I have been neglecting my studies for the past weeks. It's just that I had a lot of things on my mind (and still do) and I just could not concentrate on what I was studying. I didn't want to force it so I decided to put if off for a while until I could get back to it. I'm sure, once I'm done fixing my room, I'll be able to study away with no more worries.
You Are 48% Girly |
![]() You're a little girly, a little boyish, and probably a whole lot indie. You have your own unique style, and it pretty much defies gender lines. |
I still don't know what we're planning for Halloween. The fixing up of the room is currently occupying my mind these days. I would want Nikki and Ethan to try trick or treating but I'm worried that it would be too crowded at the malls and instead of having fun, we'll just all be stressed out. Definitely not my fave thing to do so I'm still trying to weight things a bit and see if we could do another halloween activity this Halloween. =D
You Are Warm Nights by the Fire |
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