Sunday, May 31, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
Nikki is coping well with his new glasses. I just had to remind him not to forget to keep them before he goes to bed because I woke up this morning with his glasses beside me! What if I rolled onto them last night? He would have a twisted pair of specs then. Anyway, he didn't forget to keep them this afternoon when he had his nap so I hope he'll make a habit of it. I know there will be times when he'll forget still but of course, I'll understand. I just hope that Nikki's grade won't worsen in later years or that his glasses will hinder him from doing physical activities. I'll just have to make sure he wears the proper specs then...
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
We were at Alabang Town Center last week and passed by the cinemas. We saw this Ice Age poster (?) and I told Nikki to stand by it so I could take his photo. I told him we'll watch the movie in the theatre and he said okay. If that happens, it'll be his first time to watch a movie in the cinema. A few years ago, my sis tried to bring him inside a moviehouse to watch The Incredibles and he freaked out because it was dark inside. He didn't even get to watch the first few seconds of the movie!! Now that he's seven I think he won't be (that) scared any more. Well, I certainly hope not. We'll have to see I guess. :)
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Lately, I've been finding blend words really neat! The other day after mentioning in my Facebook account that I was worried about something, one of my friends replied with "Chillax!" This brought a smile to my face. I think that was cute. Haha! "Relax" and "chill" together. Then I also encountered "fantabulous". And the other day "ginormous" and also "doddler" (dodder and toddler). Haha! So cute! I also found "hugantic" (huge and gigantic) and confuzzled (confused and puzzled). Creative, don't you think? Here's a list I found in the 'net (love number 7):
Top Ten Favorite Words (Not in the Dictionary)
- ginormous (adj): bigger than gigantic and bigger than enormous
- confuzzled (adj): confused and puzzled at the same time
- woot (interj): an exclamation of joy or excitement
- chillax (v): chill out/relax, hang out with friends
- cognitive displaysia (n): the feeling you have before you even leave the house that you are going to forget something and not remember it until you're on the highway
- gription (n): the purchase gained by friction: "My car needs new tires because the old ones have lost their gription."
- phonecrastinate (v): to put off answering the phone until caller ID displays the incoming name and number
- slickery (adj): having a surface that is wet and icy
- snirt (n): snow that is dirty, often seen by the side of roads and parking lots that have been plowed
- lingweenie (n): a person incapable of producing neologisms
flusterpated - a state of being flustered that's so intense, one's actions and words become bound up
fahoodled- confused, esp. when trying to think of too many things at once
Monday, May 25, 2009
I've been scanning our old (not ancient but before-digital-came-to-be) photos since last week and I still have a lot more to do. There are of course, our wedding photos, some baby photos, then other photos that came from other cameras (like my mom's). I would also like to have our negatives digitized. Those things are really precious to me. I would get so paranoid if any one of them gets ruined (God forbid!). So I have yet to look for a Fujifilm branch nearby where I could have the negatives digitized. Hopefully I could have that done next month. For now, I would have to finish scanning all these photos. That is, until I run out of disk space. :D
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Since I lamented about neglecting my Nihongo studies, I started reviewing my books again yesterday. As expected, I forgot some of the stuff I already learned while I was in Japan. Bummer. Now I have to review again. My main problem I guess is the sentence structure. Nihongo doesn't neccesarily follow the subject+verb+object pattern (as in English). It usually (more often than not) starts with the object first. So, "I would like some water" would translate to "Mizu ga hoshii no desu ga" with mizu meaning water. So yeah, the sentence pattern confuses me as well as a hundred other things (prepositions, proper word usage, formal/informal situations, etc.) but hopefully, I'm getting somewhere. I just wish that there will be some Nihongo classes offered in Yokohama so I could attend and even learn more Japanese...
Saturday, May 23, 2009
I haven't been seriously studying my Nihongo lately. With all the things I need/needed to do, homeschooling the boys and earning by blogging, I pretty much just have a li'l bit of time left to open my books and study. But I suppose that'll have to change. I really do need to learn more than I currently do if I intend to start talking to people in Japan. So it'll be tough but hopefully, by the time we get there, I won't have the conversational skills of a 2-year-old anymore (no offense to 2-year-olds in Japan of course!). :D
Friday, May 22, 2009
Nikki and I have come to enjoy using the soroban. We're still kind of slow now since we're still getting to know how to use it properly but I'm sure in just a short while Nikki will be using it well. We're following the books step-by-step and I must say I like the way the lessons were presented in the text book and activity/workbook. I'm planning on getting the Level 2 books as well but I think I'll get the e-book instead of the textbook. I wouldn't want another disappointing experience with the customs department of the Las Pinas Post Office. They might charge me who knows how much for a mere couple of books! If you remember, I mentioned in a previous post that they charged me P955 for the abacus and the 2 books. And I only paid $39.90 for them!! It's like I paid $20 more for the stuff! Tsk tsk! Atrocious! And people wonder why the Philippines is suffering... Anyway, like I said, I'll just get the e-books. This way, I won't have to pay any additional fees and at the same time, I won't have to lug the books with me when we go to Japan. All I have to do is print out the worksheets and we could continue with our math lessons. So yup, am killing 2 birds with one stone.
Happy day today... :D
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Ruther told me the other day that the government is giving Y12,000 per person in Japan (including foreigners) as a supplementary income payment to boost the economy. Isn't that great? I only wish the government here in the Philippines were as generous... I asked Ruther what he was going to do with the money and he immediately answered "Save it" because he had a few unexpected expenses the past month. Oh well...
Shopping for ceiling fans has certainly never been this easy. So take your time, take a look and fall in love. And before you plan out that perfect summer vacation, make sure your home is perfectly cool with any one of these unique and stylish ceiling fan designs.
At last we finally got the soroban and workbooks I ordered from It’s been weeks since I ordered them and Nikki (who’s not the most patient boy in the word) kept on asking me when they were going to arrive. So I emailed the customer service of the company and they said that it was on its way here.
This morning, a notice from the post office arrived and after Nikki’s eye check-up (which I will talk about later), we headed to the post office and claimed the package, but not before having to pay P955 for customs fees!! My goodness! I suppose it’s a good thing it was only a soroban and books inside or who knows how much they’d have charged me!! Anyway, Nikki was pretty exctied about using it and we tried it out earlier. He was really great in using the correct fingers to move the beads around and from now on I’m planning to use the abacus everytime we do our math lessons. I think it’s a great learning tool and if it makes learning math a whole lot more fun for my boy then we’ll use it always.
Nikki’s eye check-up went pretty well today. We went to an oththalmologist, one who was referred to us by our HMO. She was really kind and accommodating. I started telling her about Nikki’s squinting and after doing an initial exam, she concluded that he will indeed, need glasses. But the exam is not done yet. We will need to go back on Monday because I’ll have to apply drops in Nikki’s eye for 3 days to disable temporarily his focusing ability so she could get a more accurate reading of his grade. So I’ll be doing that on Friday, Saturday and Sunday because the doctor won’t be available this weekend. After that, we will be getting Nikki’s new glasses. I’m thinking of getting him a couple just so he has an extra one ready. We’ll see how he’ll look with his new specs!
Ruther has begun collecting the documents for our visa application and I hope by next week everything will be in order. I still have to get the list of all the documents we will need because we won't be applying for the temporary visa this time. I'm not sure if we will need to get and submit more documents. I hope that when I go to the travel agency (accredited by the Japan Embassy) next month, I won't be missing anything. I'm getting quite worried and excited about this whole application thing. Let's hope everything turns out okay...
If you're like me and would rather do things or shop for things yourself then why don't you try ShopWiki? This, my friends, is your one-stop shopping mecca. No more endless trips to countless stores searching for the perfect bassinet for your new baby. You'll find what you're looking for at the click of a button. If you haven't even begun to visualize your baby's new room, check out the beautiful nursery furnitures they have in store for you. From rocking chairs to toy chests, there is no limit to preparing the perfect room for your precious one. But it doesn't stop there. You can find anything and everything to suit you and your baby's needs. This open shelf changing table is perfect for first-time moms who need all those wipes and ready diapers within reach while holding down a squirming (and smelly!) baby. Are you a mom on the go? Why not have your pick among the many wonderful diaper bag designs available? Stylish or practical, simple or pricey, you will surely find a bag to match your taste. But wait! There's more... For first time moms who know almost nothing about nursing and feeding, these wonderful products (breast pumps, nursing pads, nursing pillows, feeding bottles and other accessories) will ease your transition to momhood. But of course, ShopWiki is not just for first-time moms. Veteran mothers (and dads!) will love these wonderful toddler products. I mean, who can resist those activity sets, cute clothing and safety accessories? If you spend hours shopping at a single mall, just think of the convenience shopping online at ShopWiki gives you. No more long queues, no more traffic jams, no more nasty shoppers. And the best thing of all? You have access to a whole lot of stores, a whole lot of products and a whole lot of savings. That's easy shopping just for you. So shop now, the ShopWiki way!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
About H1N1 virus: (
Novel influenza A (H1N1) is a new flu virus of swine origin that was first detected in April, 2009. The virus is infecting people and is spreading from person-to-person, sparking a growing outbreak of illness in the United States. An increasing number of cases are being reported internationally as well.
It’s thought that novel influenza A (H1N1) flu spreads in the same way that regular seasonal influenza viruses spread; mainly through the coughs and sneezes of people who are sick with the virus.
It’s uncertain at this time how severe this novel H1N1 outbreak will be in terms of illness and death compared with other influenza viruses. Because this is a new virus, most people will not have immunity to it, and illness may be more severe and widespread as a result. In addition, currently there is no vaccine to protect against this novel H1N1 virus. CDC anticipates that there will be more cases, more hospitalizations and more deaths associated with this new virus in the coming days and weeks.
Monday, May 18, 2009
I've been checking and re-checking my Things To Do List for the past week and as much as it drives me nuts, I feel quite happy when I accomplish one and tick it off my list. I've almost completed most of the things I have to do this month and I'm now listing other chores for June like ordering Ethan's cake for his birthday. I'm already excited about that. As always, without Ruther here, we won't be having a party but just a family celebration focused on Ethan of course. I'm planning on bringing him to the Aerospace Museum and then to Kids Republic for a day of fun. Can't believe our baby is turning 6!!
It's challenging feeding my 2 boys. I sometimes wonder where I went wrong when they suddenly changed their eating habits. I remember giving the boys mashed veggies when they were little but now, it's like they hate almost everything! It's so frustrating to see them not eat. I mean, I eat veggies and all sorts of food so it's definitely not from lack of exposure. I just want them to start eating healthy again. Especially with Ethan who is still so dependent on milk. Of course I always hear crap about how the boys still drink milk in bottles but what the heck could I do? I tried weaning Nikki 3 times and 3 times he got sick. The last one was when he was hospitalized (this April). So call me whatever you want but I'll not compromise my sons' health just to satisfy the social norm. I'll wean them when they are good and ready. Anyway, I'll just have to come up with creative ways in feeding them even if it means spending half a day preparing their meals.
Any ideas?

Sunday, May 17, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Anyway, going back to my brother-in-law... Take for instance, a few minutes ago. I was cradling Ethan in my arms, comforting him because he had a toothache. Noticing that it was 6pm, I asked Nikki (who was closest to the window) to close the screen windows so that mosquitoes would not come into the room. He went near the window (there's a long cabinet in front of it) and reached for the window but the stand fan was in his way and he couldn't get to the left screen window. So he said, "Maybe Tito Ron could do it" and of course, as is his usual way, he simply ignored Nikki and continued to face the tv. Now, as a mother, I wouldn't mind teaching my boys to be diligent and industrious but when an older person just sits there without explaining his laziness or doesn't give a damn about teaching the boys proper values, that really irks me. I mean think about it, any of these things could have happened:
1. He could have closed the windows for Nikki.
2. If he was tired, he could have said so and reasoned with Nikki. "But Tito is tired from travelling and I know you could do it because you're a big boy."
3. I could have done it if Ethan were not on my lap and in pain.
Anyway, I simply told Nikki to do it himself because "Tito Ron doesn't want to do it". I would have gladly done it myself (I was considering putting Ethan on the bed already then closing the windows myself just to finish it) but Ethan was clinging to me and well it was an opportunity to teach Nikki not to be lazy and to learn to do as he's asked. After Ron left the room, I gave Nikki a talk on being more helpful and to not emulate the laziness of others. He felt bad (he cried a bit when we sat together) when I gave him the talk but I reassured him that he's a good boy and I just don't want him to forget to be helpful especially when I have a lot on my hands (in this case, Ethan). But I still felt bad about Ron ignoring Nikki's request. I mean, tired is tired, but even a kid deserves some explanation for ignoring his plea, right? How could you teach a kid proper values when you're just sitting there ignoring him?
And this has happened before. We were at the mall at a video store a month ago and Nikki was cranky and forcefully asked Ron to push the stroller so he could be with me (I was a few aisles away). Of course, he reprimanded Nikki. I would also have reprimanded my boy because firstly, his tone was not appropriate and he was getting too insistent. I know Nikki can be unreasonable at times but that's because of his OC attitude and I understand that. When we're shopping, Nikki doesn't want to be too far away from any of us because he says "we're a family and we should stick together". But did HE try to understand and then reason with his nephew? No. He simply reprimanded him with no explanations. He just told Nikki to stay put. He didn't even consider the fact the boys was sleepy (the reason for his crankines) and that it was only a few days after he was hospitalized. I got so irritated at his attitude and of course at the way he scolded Nikki that I snapped at my poor boy for being irritable. I felt so bad afterwards. I know that my anger should have been directed at Ron and not Nikki. I apologized to Nikki when we got home and I promised never to do that again.
I think that people - whether or not they are a parent - should be morally responsible especially when it comes to kids. But moreso for people who are related to those kids. I also think that people should learn to be selfless when it comes to the people they love because what is love when the first thing you think of is yourself? How else will kids learn? Certainly not by inaction and lack of understanding.
At first, I was skeptical. I didn’t want to end up in a scam of some sort so I was hesitant in joining PayingPost. But I thought to myself, “It wouldn’t hurt to try” and besides, I already am a certified blogger and I DO want to make money blogging so I signed up. The first thing that caught my eye in the PayingPost website was the lay-out. It had fresh colors and it was really calming to the eye. Also, I noticed that it was very user-friendly. There was no clutter, no useless information to confuse me. Everything was clear, concise and understandable. I found my way around the site with no problems. Signing up was also a cinch. I registered as a blogger and simply followed the instructions to the letter. And then I simply waited for my blog to be approved. I’m not an internet pro but I did not have any difficulty in signing up. That’s how user-friendly the site is. And for people like me who are not too savvy with technology, we really appreciate such things.
Anyway, my blog was approved a few days after so I got excited and checked for any blogging opportunities immediately. I found one and it seemed interesting so I took it. It was actually pretty easy. I had to go to a site and pick an article that was related to my blog’s category. I chose one that interested me and then I wrote about it. The article was about shooting flowers close-up with and without lighting. It was actually pretty interesting because I just started photography as a hobby last year after getting my first DSLR camera from my husband (it's a Nikon D50) and I would always search the internet for tips and ideas in improving my shots. I got some great tips from the article and I couldn’t wait to try them out. There were still a few other interesting articles there and I’m quite sure I’ll be checking them out one of these days. I would love to read more about photography tips and tricks as well as articles related to family, home, travel and health.
It seems like I’m off to a great start with PayingPost. I am excited to check out other opportunities and earn more. Writing has never been this fun or fulfilling. I also took advantage of PayingPost Direct. I'm excited about this opportunity and I hope advertisers will allow me the pleasure of writing reviews for a small fee. Coming across PayingPost was an accident but I’m sure glad I discovered it.
Once summer is over in the Philippines, it will just be the start in Japan. Ruther said that our summer will surely be extended this year if we make it to Japan in July. Of course, I wouldn't mind. Whether it's the boiling hot of summer or the frigid cold of winter, as long as it means reuniting my family, we'll be there. And that's that.
Most of the Philippines has had only a month of summer thanks to the typhoons that visited the country in April. So the usual summer spots (pools, resorts) will surely be jampacked this month, with school starting in just a few weeks. Nikki has been asking to go to 8 Waves Resort in Bulacan (north of Manila) and I've been thinking about it but instead of going this month, I'm considering bringing the boys in June when it'll be less crowded. I really can't back out of this because I promised him we would go when he was all better. And a promise is a promise. But with this current heat (it's SO hot!!!) and the crowd of people, I'm thinking, June will be a better month for us. Well, we'll see how the weather turns up these next few days...
Friday, May 15, 2009
The other day, Nikki studied the vegetables from the Bahay Kubo (Nipa Hut - folk) song. Ever since I bought that Tagalog VCD for him he would always ask what some of the Tagalog words - vegetables - meant in English.
Well today, we took the song apart and checked out all the vegetables. I must admit I also don’t know all of them in English so we did it together. We made 2 columns on a sheet of paper and wrote down all the vegetables in Tagalog. In the next column, we wrote their English names. It was quite fun. We wished there were more vegetables in the song! Haha! Anyway, if you’re curious to know, here are the vegetables and their English names:
1. singkamas – turnip
2. talong – eggplant
3. sigarilyas – winged beans
4. mani – peanuts
5. sitaw – string beans
6. bataw – Hyacinth beans
7. patani – Lima beans
8. kundol – Winter melon
9. patola – Chinese okra
10. upo – white pumpkin
11. kalabasa – squash
12. labanos – radish
13. mustasa – mustard or mustard green
14. sibuyas – onion
15. kamatis – tomato
16. bawang – garlic
17. luya – ginger
18. linga – sesame
And now you know! Tomorrow we’ll try to research more vegetables but for now, these will have to do. At least Nikki was the one who initiated this “lesson”!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
And so we had our annual physical exam today. It was quite eventful. Ethan didn't want to have his x-ray taken (he got scared when he heard the rumbling of the machine), and Nikki tried to grab the needle when the lab technician tried to extract blood from his arm (which made my heart jump to my throat) and I told him to NEVER do that again. Other than that, we had to repeat our medical history (which I do every year, at every physical exam). I was not able to have my pap smear done because the doctor was arriving at 1pm and we were done before 12 noon. Also, we really did not want to wait til 1pm because we were all hungry already and we also had to do some grocery-shopping. So I told the people at clinic that I'd have my pap smear done at another time. And they said it was okay. So, we went to SM Southmall for some lunch then did some grocery-shopping, then looked around at some of the shops, then we went home. I was pretty exhausted by the time we got home but I didn't want to have a nap anymore. I just had a lot on my mind and I had chores to do. I just didn't want to have a nap then not be able to sleep early tonight. I don't know why but I haven't been sleeping well these past few nights. Anyway, I'm glad that the physical exam is over now. That's another thing I'll be checking in my Things to Do List...
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Tomorrow we will be having our annual physical exam and that will be another check off my Things to Do List. I still have to bring Nikki to his hematologist (after I get the CBC results). I want to do this step because should we leave for Japan in July, I want to be sure that what happened in Zamboanga last month won't happen again. I have so many questions to ask him so I'll probably bring Nikki next week. Hopefully I'll be able to make an appointment.
I also have to check my clothes and the boys' clothes for shirts or pants that don't fit us anymore. I'm planning to give them to my mother-in-law's helper who lives in an impoverished town in Bicol and has a lot of friends there who need assistance. All those old clothes will surely be appreciated by the people living there. I also plan on checking for old toys, books and shoes. Hopefully, many will be able to find some use for those things.
Then, I have to have Nikki's eyes checked. I think he needs prescription lenses. He squints when he looks at objects from a distance. People say it's sad that his eyesight's bad while he's still at a young age, but I don't want my boy to feel that any of this is his fault - when it's not. People say it's because of video games and such. Well, that may be a factor but I don't think those things triggered it. Sometimes people don't think that Ruther and I have poor eyesight and Nikki's condition might be hereditary. I don't know. Sometimes, people can be so quick to judge or criticize. Anyway, on the brighter side, I think Nikki will look great with glasses. AND, if he does need glasses, I'll get him 2 pair and ones with detachable shades. This way his eyes will still be protected when he's out in the sun...
Then, the biggest job on my list is of course, our application for Japan. I already sent Ruther the documents needed for the application for the certificate of eligibility and hopefully he'll send that back (soon) with all the other documents we will need for our visa application. We're planning on submitting the documents for our visa next month (hopefully by the first or second week). And June is just a breath away! I'm so excited! I pray that everything will go well. Please help pray too, okay?
The other things I have to do are minor compared to these but I will still have to tick them off my list eventually. I dunno but seeing all those checked items on my list just gives me a happy feeling. :D
Today I've spent such a long time on the phone my ears are hurting (still!) from transferring the receiver back and forth while waiting for my call to be picked up by a non-existent operator. I've been trying to call the PhilHealth office (ANY PhilHealth office) to ask about the application for reimbursement (regarding Nikki's hospitalization) but apparently, the only number listed with the operator was the main office. AND, when I tried calling that number, it just kept on ringing and ringing and ringing... I never got to talk with a single person. And I simply gave up. I mean, I didn't want to spend the rest of the afternoon on the phone. So tomorrow I'm heading to the Las Pinas PhilHealth office to make my inquiry personally. The thing that really bums me out is that I really HATE going unprepared. I want to always be prepared, you know? It's just who I am. Going to PhilHealth tomorrow with no idea what requirements or documents I need really irritates me. So now I'll be bringing all sorts of papers just to make sure I submit everything they ask for. I hope that I won't have to wait long there. Another thing I hate is unnecessarily long queues.
Wish me luck...
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Should we be in Japan next year for our anniversary, I would really love for Ruther and me to renew our wedding vows. Of course, there will be no more fanfare, no more celebrations. Just a private, wonderful ceremony to say the vows we said 10 years before and look forward to 10 more years and then forever. There's nothing else I would want in this world than to spend it with the man I love with all my heart and soul.
Well, a second honeymoon wouldn't be so bad either...
I'm excited for July to come. I've been dreaming about July since January. I know I'm speaking in riddles here and as much as I want to share everything, I really don't want to jinx it. Call me a superstitious fool.
Just thinking about July makes me tingly inside. I can't wait for the next chapter in our lives to begin. I can't wait to start doing new things, to meet new people, to discover whatever else there is to discover in me.
July... can't wait...
I’m allergic to most insect bites. A small bite from a small mosquito would progress into a horrible rash. I can only imagine the damage a nest of fire ants would do to a highly allergic person or to an infant. So how can you tell if you are near a fire ant nest? Check for mounds. They will be made up of loose soil and can be as high and as wide as 2 feet. Also, the ants themselves are of different sizes. But the surest way of knowing is the ants’ aggressiveness when disturbed. When unsure, do not go near a mound but instead, poke a long stick into it. If the ants swarm and attack relentlessly, chances are, you’re near a fire ant nest. Then get away fast.
So what are some fire ants treatment? First, wash off the venom using a mixture of soap and water. Then disinfect the bite area using rubbing alcohol. A cold compress on the bites will help prevent swelling the next day. For extreme itchiness, an anti-histamine like Benadryl will help ease the discomfort.
Preparedness and sufficient information is essential in preventing a close encounter with a fire ant nest and a possible attack. Remember that learning to avoid getting stung in the first place is the best way to prevent a painful fire ant experience.
There's something very fulfilling about seeing that $20 as mine. I mean, it's all mine. Ruther had nothing to do with it. That was all from my efforts. Don't get me wrong, my husband is very accommodating and very generous (so I usually have to decline often) but of course, as everyone would know, it's very fulfilling to have accomplished something by oneself.
So now, I'm thinking of embarking on this new money-generating strategy. Hopefully, a blog a day would be the start. Wish me luck! :D
Here is a one-stop shopping mecca for women like me. Who wouldn't love to spend time with the kids? Then why not go for the Pack Two T'Shirts? You wouldn't have to worry about spills and messes with an extra shirt to change into. Plus, the cool cotton fabric would be perfect in this tropical weather and chasing after the boys. AND, it's so affordable! Going swimming with the family for a summer outing? The Beach2Beach Swimdress is perfect. No worries about unsightly bulges, falling straps, or bikini lines. You would no longer need a kaftan or a sarong. That's fashion from sand to sea and back. Going out with friends for some coffee and pastries? The red Striped Boyfriend Shirt would be comfortable AND fashionable and will last a whole afternoon of non-stop chatting over hot lattes and yummy pies. Thinking of having a romantic dinner with the hubby? Why not pick the Joe Browns Summer Wrap Dress? It's gorgeous, not over the top and would be flattering with minimal jewelry (try the Diamante Ball Necklace) and would suit any woman - small or large. (In other words, this dress is perfect for me.) Match it with a white Tassel Bag and you could stay out as late as you want to. Just want to feel good about your body? Check out the SimplyBe luscious lingeries. Why not put on a Simply Yours Luxury Babydoll nightwear? Vava-voom! Oh, and it includes a thong too. How sexy is that? That'll be one night you or your husband won't easily forget!
And the best thing about SimplyBe? It's great for plus-sized women like me. No more embarrasing trips to the fitting rooms, no more grunting into small sizes, no more worries that the clothes you like so much won't fit you. Shopping is a breeze and fashion is just a click away. Who wouldn't love SimplyBe?
Plus Size Women’s Clothing
Monday, May 11, 2009
Last Saturday was another fun day for the boys. Since it was mom’s last day in Manila, we thought of having another family outing. We originally thought of Laguna, but my brother was feeling under the weather and he was the only one who could drive us so that was out of the question. Then, we thought of La Mesa EcoPark since it’s only in Quezon City and we haven’t been there. We checked the website and it looked like a nice place for a stroll but the weather was unpredictable so we decided to simply go to Museo Pambata and be a kid once more.
The night before, I showed Nikki the website and he was excited. The next day, when we got there, storytime already started. We quickly joined in but since it was in Tagalog, Nikki couldn’t understand most of it. So we just waited for storytime to be over then we took pictures around the room. After that, we headed to the second floor where the Science Through Discovery, Career Options, Marketplace, and Bodyworks exhibits were. Nikki’s favorite was the Science center. He tried everything on display there. Ethan found the place to be too new. He had a bit of tantrum but after ignoring him for 10 minutes, he quieted on his own and then we proceeded with the tour without any more drama. It didn’t take long for us to see everything because some of the exhibits were closed (Craft Room, Environment). At the Gift Shop, I got Ethan a huge Rubik’s cube (which he refused to let go of) and a slingshot and apron for Nikki. Then we proceeded to the playground area where a helicopter was part of the facilities. Ethan was awed of course. He loves vehicles.
The museum was pretty neat. I mean, it’s a far cry from the museums we’ve been to in Japan (like the Minato Mirai Mitsubishi Industrial Museum at Sakuragicho) but I suppose for Manila, it’ll have to do. At least the boys had a fun time and of course, learned at the same time.

My mom left yesterday for Zamboanga. But Nikki and I made a little "Happy Mother's Day" poster for her. She liked it. We also made one for my sis, who is like a second mom to the boys. She liked it too. I think it was because there was a photo of her with the boys on it. :)
I know my mom is not perfect. But I know she loved me the best way she knew how. I know I have some minor issues with the way I was brought up (took me years to reassess my life), with the way they handled my temperament/personality (i'm very sensitive - and that's an understatement) and I suppose it took me sometime to understand that years ago, uniformity in discipline was the norm. Coming to Manila and opening my eyes to the world showed me that I should not let my sheltered childhood be the same for Nikki and Ethan. I want more for my boys. And I have prepared for it. I've taken a Child Psychology course, I've read lots of parenting books, and the most challenging thing I've ever done was to decide to homeschool my boys. People may ask me why I've made such decisions and choices and all I know is that I want my boys to have so much more. I'm not talking about the material stuff here, I'm talking about family relationships, values and self-confidence. I want my boys to realize later on that I've made these choices because I want them to be who they want to be and not what the world wants them to be. When I was young, I thought I knew everything. Boy, was I wrong. I knew everything in my little world but outside it, I was just overwhelmed, awed and intimidated. And then I became silent. I just felt as though I didn't fit in. And I lost my voice. And I don't want my boys to become like me.
Don't get me wrong. My mom is not bad at all. It's just that she preferred to love me and my siblings closely. And I know she had our best interests at heart but in the end, it just stunted my growth. I want my boys to experience life; not when they are in college already but right now, at this minute. I want them to look forward to everyday, to have fun in learning new things and to always have that fire in them.
I know that's a tough job but this is my career. I knew I would always be a mom, even when I was in Grade School, I knew I was going to get married at 25 (I was actually 24 when I married Ruther) and that I would have 6 kids. Okay, I know I'm 4 kids short but I'm not an idiot. I know when to be practical. But that's beside the point.
I know, like my mom, I may not be perfect. But I've prepared for this. I've studied, I've read, I've been informed. The only thing I can do right now is to nurture my boys, to understand their weaknesses, to applaud their strengths, to fuel their thirst for knowledge and to love them unconditionally.
And hope that -for now - that would be enough.
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Thursday, May 07, 2009
I forgot to mention our Subic trip last Sunday. It was just my mom, dad, sis, bro and the boys this time. Subic is around 2 hours' north of Manila. We decided to try and visit Zoobic. I've heard a lot about it from media so I thought it wouldn't be bad to check it out.
We hoped that there wouldn't be a lot of people and there wasn't but we didn't expect the heat. Anyway, we all had the tour (P449 for adults and P349 for kids). Before the tour began, we were given a lecture on the Do's and Dont's. We started off at the Zoobic Park and Rodent World. The boys had a lot of fun at the petting area. It was really fun and educational at the same time. Nikki was not at all scared of the animals that followed us around. He was able to pet a reindeer, a goat and he fed all sorts of tame animals. It was nice to see him enjoy himself.
We also got to watch an animal show although I was a bit bothered about those animals being bossed around to do tricks. The dogs were okay because they are trained to learn tricks but the monkey, pot-bellied pig and the weasel was another matter. It just didn't sit well with me. Especially when the trainor would tug at the leash of the animals to (force them to) do the trick commanded. I really pitied those poor animals...
Anyway, after the animal show, we checked out the Serpentarium (which showcased just a few snakes), the Savannah (which was a bit dull), Animal MuZOOeum (which was a bit small), Aeta's trail (which was pretty interesting), the Hip-Hop Bay-a-Walk (which was all right) and the Croco Loco (which houses LOTS of crocs!). We of course, enjoyed the Tiger Safari Ride where a tiger came up close to our closed jeep and gnawed a piece of chicken from the window. No one shrieked or panicked. Even Ethan was fascinated. The only downside is that it lasted for only several minutes. So it was not as exhilarating as I expected it to be. But at least the boys got to see a tiger up close.
After more than 2 hours of touring Zoobic, we were all ready for lunch (this was already around 2pm) and then after that we headed home. Although Zoobic is a lot smaller than the zoos we visited in Japan, it's still a nice place to bring the kids or for family bonding. My mom and dad had loads of fun, and who wouldn't? It was a nice place to be.
Mom and I went to Baclaran this morning. She wanted to pay for mass and do a bit of shopping. I was able to get a nice tunic blouse and a couple of other things. We were there for 2 1/2 hours then we headed home. I lacked sleep so after wating lunch, having a refreshing bath and taking care of the boys' needs, I had a nap. I didn't realize I was too tired until I woke up at 430pm. We got ready to go to SM Sucat (a nearby mall) and the boys were happy about the trip. I bought Nikki a new stroller bag (his old one was pretty ratty) and a 4D skeleton kit. We've been studying the skeletal system and he loved it! So this one will reinforce our lesson. For Ethan, I got the CAT machine set. It has a bulldozer, a power shovel, backhoe loader, roller and dumptruck. He really loved it! Well this boy loves vehicles so no surprise there. :)
Tomorrow I'll be going to the post office to send some stuff to Ruther and then maybe pass by his office in the afternoon to get the PhilHealth forms (if they are ready by then). I've been trying real hard not to procrastinate and so far, I've been okay in accomplishing my Things to Do list. I still have a few more to do this month and next month but hopefully everything will be done as scheduled.
It's been raining again. We've only had around 3 days of sunny weather and now it's pretty cool again. I thought that this summer was going to be a really hot one but I guess the weather had other things in mind. Of course, I really don't mind the rains but I feel so sorry for those people in the north who suffered from the typhoon. Their homes were buried and they lost most of their stuff. It was such a sad sight. I hope that the government would do something and help those poor people.
I'm still feeling quite elated over Pacquiao's win last Sunday. Of course, I found out about it through Russell who texted me the results and I was shocked to hear that it was over after 2 rounds! After watching the match I really couldn't help feeling so proud of Manny Pacquiao for accomplishing such a tremendous feat. He's really something and hopefully, he'll continue to bring laurels to the country wherever he may go and whoever he may fight.
Mabuhay ka Manny! :D
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Sunday, May 03, 2009

PS. I had to remove my flipflops because I didn't want them to fall off! :)
Saturday, May 02, 2009
Ruther got himself a new tv! Well it's actually going to be delivered tomorrow but I think it's great that he got a satisfactory tv (32" flat screen, dunno the other features yet)). The television in the apartment is well, old and Ruther loves watching tv shows and movies and it's only right that he watches them in a great set. It definitely increases the viewing pleasure, he says. I hope that he'll be able to set it up without difficulty tomorrow. I won't be there to help him and although I know he's capable, without help, it'll take longer to set up and that's what I'm worried about.
A few days ago, there was constant rains even if there was not a typhoon in sight. Now that the weather bureau has announced that there's a typhoon in the Philippines, the rains have stopped. It's so weird. I know sunny days eventually follow rains but still, it was nice having the cool weather these past days. It really made summer more tolarable and enjoyable. But then again, all good things must come to an end, I know... Sigh...