Friday, February 29, 2008
1 C sugar
3 ripe bananas, mashed
2 eggs
1/2 C milk
1 1/2 C flour
1 tsp baking powder
Combine all ingredients in a mixing bowl. Stir until well mixed. Grease and flour a 9" x 5" loaf pan. Pour batter into pan and bake at 350 deg F for 45 minutes, or until cake begins to pull away from the sides of the pan.
from Cooking For Two
3. WHEN DID YOU LAST CRY? Last night while watching Ghost Whisperer. Hey, I'm a cry baby!
5. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE LUNCH MEAT? What kind of question is this? Any meat will do as long as its properly cooked.
6. KIDS? Two wonderful boys.
7. IF YOU WERE ANOTHER PERSON WOULD YOU BE FRIENDS WITH YOU? Why not? I would love to be friends with me. =D
8. DO YOU HAVE A JOURNAL? My Cozy Nook is my journal now.
9. DO YOU USE SARCASM A LOT? Nope. Not the type.
11. WOULD YOU BUNGEE JUMP? Yeah, even if the idea scares the hell out of me, it's in my ___ Things to Do Before I Die list.
12. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE CEREAL? Corn flakes. I'm a simple girl.
14. DO YOU THINK YOU ARE STRONG? I have to be for my boys but Ruther has always been my rock. Always.
15. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM FLAVOR? Oooh! My all-time favorite is Mango and okay, Rocky Road, but I love Arce Avocado ice cream too.
16. SHOE SIZE? 7.5
17. RED OR PINK? Pink.
18. WHAT IS THE LEAST FAVORITE THING ABOUT YOUR SELF? Ruther says I think too much. And okay, I agree.
19. WHO DO YOU MISS THE MOST? My sweetie.
20. DO YOU WANT EVERYONE TO SEND THIS BACK TO YOU? It's okay. I would love to hear what they have to say.
22. LAST THING YOU ATE? A slice of pizza.
23. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW? "I'm the Map" from Dora the Explorer (the boys are watching it behind me)
25. FAVORITE SMELL? Scents of home.
26. WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON YOU TALKED TO ON THE PHONE: Do cellphones count? My husband then.
28. DO YOU LIKE THE PERSON WHO SENT THIS TO YOU? Hmmmm... Let me think... Hahaha! Of course!
29. FAVORITE DRINK? Used to be coffee but I'm playing the healthy card so good ol' water.
30. FAVORITE SPORT? Badminton.
31. EYE COLOR? Brown.
32. HAT SIZE? Will tell you when I find out.
33. DO YOU WEAR CONTACTS? Not anymore.
34. FAVORITE FOOD? Don't have a particular favorite. Really depends on my mood and yes, hormones. =D
35. SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS? Always always happy endings.
37. WHAT COLOR TOP ARE YOU WEARING? Light green blouse (to match my green shorts).
38. SUMMER OR WINTER? Autumn is my favorite season but I'll take summer over winter. Am just not used to the cold - yet.
39. HUGS OR KISSES? Why can't I have both?
41. WHO IS MOST LIKELY TO RESPOND? I really don't know...
40. FAVORITE DESSERT? Leche flan.
42. LEAST LIKELY TO RESPOND? I also don't know. (But I'm saying this to be on the safe side.) =D
43. WHAT BOOKS ARE YOU READING? The Ultimate Guice to Homeschooling by Debra Bell, Remember Me by Mary Higgins Clark, Survival Japanese by Boye de Mente, and my Psychology textbooks.
44. WHAT'S ON YOUR MOUSE PAD? Am using Sanseido's New Concise Japanese-English Dictionary as a mousepad.
45. WHAT DID YOU WATCH LAST NIGHT ON TV? American Idol. Am hoping Ramiele Malubay makes it to the top 3 at least. But Carly is a strong contender.
46. FAVORITE SOUNDS? Sounds of nature.
47. ROLLING STONE OR BEATLES? Beatles. Thanks to my mom and dad and of course, Ruther.
48. THE FARTHEST YOU'VE BEEN FROM HOME? Japan. Miss it so...
49. WHAT'S YOUR SPECIAL TALENT? I can sneeze with my eyes open. Kidding! Hahaha! I am a resourceful person. I'm like a female McGyver. =D
50. WHEN & WHERE WERE YOU BORN? July; Zamboanga City
52. WHAT NAME DO YOU WISH YOU HAD? I don't know. Am happy with my name.
53. NAME OF YOUR HIGH SCHOOL CRUSH? Nasul Sajili. (Hope I got that right.)
Thursday, February 28, 2008
I know, I know. It's better not to count the days before I see Ruther. It's better to just live through everyday and not reflect on Ruther's absence (as if that's possible). It's not as hard as I imagined it to be, to be honest. I thought that I would really be so affected and depressed. I think it helps that I'm too distracted with my lessons and homeschooling the boys. I suppose I have to be grateful for that. But then, in the evenings, when I sense the empty space beside me, I know that my life will not be complete until Ruther and I are together again.
1 egg
1 C milk
1/4 C sugar
1/4 tsp vanilla
1 C leftover bread, torn into small pieces
1/2 C raisins or chocolate chips
Beat together the egg, milk, sugar, and vanilla. Add the bread and mix well so that the bread is well moistened with the custard. Stir in the raisins or chocolate chips. Pour the bread pudding into a small ovenproof casserole and bake at 350 deg F for about 20 minutes, or until puffed and golden.
1. Rolled play dough into long sausages and made letters and numbers out of it.
2. Used cookie cutters to make different shapes and he had to match a particular shape with its partner.
3. Using his plastic knife, he would chop the ready-made sausages like a chef.
4. Using a smooth bottle as a rolling pin, he would flatten the Playdough and pretend it’s cookie batter.
5. We would cut out different shapes and things and make Playdough sandwiches.
6. Using the cut-out shapes, I would ask him to count the pieces we had already.
7. Mixing 2 colors of Playdough to make new colors.
8. Making Playdough insects and bugs. He loves bugs a lot. He loved the millipede I made although the tiny legs kept falling off.
9. Using a special toy, we would press Playdough in the mold and make noodles. He also loves this one and even pretends the noodles are hair!
10. We would roll the Playdough out and then press some prints onto it using his toys and other things.
So far, Ethan is having a lot of fun with the Playdough so I’m thinking of getting him more colors. Admittedly, it’s not cheap here in the Philippines, but I suppose for someone as creative as Ethan it will be something he will appreciate a lot.
Here are other Playdough ideas:
- Make a birthday cake. Use real candles or pretend ones made from straws orpopsicle sticks. Count out the right number of candles and sing “Happy Birthday toyou!"
- Roll the playdough out and then use spools to print flowers into it. Try other thingsthat make prints, such as Duplo.
- Make a nest and some bird eggs.
- Make a cup, a bowl, etc and pretend to use them.
- Make a road and drive cars around it. Put playdough in dump trucks and drive themaround.
- Make a pretend jungle or river, or whatever, and use your plastic animals to playwith it.
- Roll it into a very thin sausage and then make it into a spiral or a cobra.
- Roll it into balls and make it into snowmen, animals, etc.
- Make a self-hardening dough or one that you bake. Give your child some things tostick in the dough to make a sculpture. Use feathers, coloured pasta, pipe cleaners,popsicle sticks, coloured straws, etc.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
My name: Lea (Yette is my nick)
Childhood ambition: to be a doctor (I don't know why but during my childhood, most of the kids I know answered "doctor" to the question, "what would you like to be when you grow up?") Now, though, I'm happy being a stay-at-home wife and mom but maybe someday, I could be in a job that involves kids. =D
Fondest memory: Ruther's and my wedding day, hands down
Soundtrack: none in particular. I try to listen to all sorts of music genres but I do love the soundtracks from Adam Sandler's movies
Retreat: the bathroom
Wildest dream: to live in Japan and travel the world
Proudest moment: bringing Nikki and Ethan into this world
Biggest challenge: successfully homeschooling the boys and finding my life's purpose
Alarm clock: my trusty cellphone
Perfect day: spending it with Ruther and the boys
First job: Blue Cross (and let me just say, it really sucked so I quit)
Indulgence: chocolates
Last purchase: groceries
Favorite movie: Meet Joe Black
Inspiration: my family
My life is: simple and happy and once Ruther, the boys and I can finally be together, it will be complete
My card is: nonexistent =D
2 tsp salt
2 tsp rice wine or sherry
1 tbsp cornstarch
1/4 C oil
1/4 kilo broccoli or cauliflower, divided into flowerets
chicken stock or water, if needed
2 stalks leeks, cut into 1" lengths
1 small can button mushrooms, sliced
1 tbsp soy sauce
Slice sirloin steak into narrow strips. Put in a bowl with 1 tsp salt, wine and cornstarch. Mix well. Set aside for 20 minutes.
Heat half of the oil in a wok or frying pan. Add the broccoli or cauliflower and the remaining salt. Stir-fry for a few minutes, adding a little stock or water to moisten, if necessary. Remove from pan and drain. Heat the remaining oil. Add the leeks and stir fry for a few seconds. Add the steak and stir fry until evenly browned. Stir in mushrooms, soy sauce, and broccoli or cauliflower. Continue cooking for another 1-2 minutes.
Serve with hot rice.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
I'm going to the post office later this afternoon to send Ruther his "care package". I'm sending him his butong pakwan (salted watermelon seeds) and a few other items that could not be found or that would be difficult to find in Japan. It will be nice to see the woman I made friends with there. She always takes the time to chat with me even if there's a long queue of people (I know that can be irritating to them but I'm not the one making conversation!). Last year, I gave her a nice pasalubong from Japan. I gave her a fan and some munchies and she was happy with them. It's always fun to make good friends in uncommon places and it's also nice to know that there's someone working in the post office who will not overcharge you for your packages to your husband. :D
1 tsp minced fresh ginger
2 C cooked rice
1 C minced cooked chicken
1 C chicken stock (use more if you like a more soupy consistency)
salt and pepper to taste
1 tsp minced green onions
Heat the cooking oil in the saucepan and saute the minced ginger for 2-3 minutes. Add the rice, minced chicken and chicken stock. Simmer for 5 minutes. Season with salt and pepper to taste and serve topped with green onions.
Monday, February 25, 2008
The boys and I spent yesterday with my sis and bro at the mall. It was a nice family day. We went to Alabang Town Center because I had to buy Ruther's butong pakwan (salted watermelon seeds) there. It's his favorite and he's running out. The boys had fun playing in the activity center and even played a bit of duckpin bowling. Then we went to the dollar store and I bought lotion and peppermint tea there. My sis and bro bought some stuff as well. We then had some lunch and I got the boys some (what else?) fried chicken. My bro and I had the Balot-balot tapa which was yummy with the salted egg and tomato. Mmmmm... Anyway, I was going to look for a toy for the boys at Toys R' us but they were closed for renovations so I settled for the bookstores instead. Anyway, I got the boys several nice books and a workbook for Nikki. We went home after getting some ice cream and the boys were all tired out. After napping, we went to church and I really missed Ruther's presence there. I suppose I'll just have to think that in a few months, we'll be hearing mass together again. I just have to be strong about this.
Anyway, in the evening, Nikki and I did some lessons. We did more than usual and I was happy with Nikki's progress. We also did some cutting and pasting, an activity that he loves. Hopefully, later will be another successful homeschooling night. We'll just have to see about that.
P.S. Thanks to Amy and Becky for cheering me up. You guys are really great friends! =D
Catch y'all tomorrow...
Saturday, February 23, 2008
1/2 C soy sauce
1/4 C vinegar
3 cloves garlic, minced
2 tbsp brown sugar
1 big onion, sliced
6 pieces peppercorn, crushed
oil for frying
1/2 C tomato sauce
1/2 C olives (optional)
2 pcs. chorizo, sliced
1 pc. canned pimiento, cut into strips
4 pcs. saba, quartered and fried
Marinate pork cubes in a mixture of soy sauce, vinegar, garlic, brown sugar, onions and peppercorns for 1-2 hours.
Remove pork from marinade and fry until brown. Pour off excess oil, leaving 3-4 tbsp in the pan. Put back fried pork in the pan. Pour marinade and enough water to cover it. Simmer gently until tender. Add tomato sauce, olives, chorizo and pimiento. Cook for a few more minutes. Serve with fried saba on top.
Friday, February 22, 2008
1 tbsp soy sauce
1 tsp sugar
2 cloves garlic, pounded
1 tbsp peppercorn, pounded
1 tbsp patis
oil for frying
Marinate beef in the rest of the ingredients for at least 3 hours. Stir fry in a small amount of oil. Serve with hot rice.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
It's been a gloomy day. Can't help but feel a bit sad and lonely. Now where's my jacket and hot chocolate?
1/4 C ground pork
1 C chopped singkamas
1/4 C chopped spring onions
1 medium-sized onion, chopped finely
1 Maya Farms egg, beaten
1 tsp soy sauce
salt and pepper to taste
wonton wrappers
oil for frying
calamansi or lemon juice and soy sauce for dipping
In a mixing bowl, combine the first 8 ingredients and mix thoroughly. Put about a tablespoon of the mixture into each wonton wrapper. Shape into a triangle and seal the edges with a drop of water. Deep fry in hot oil until golden brown. Drain. Serve with dipping sauce of calamansi and soy sauce.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Here's an underwater shot of Ruther snorkeling at Balicasag Island in Bohol. There's actually a lot more color than that on the sea floor but I think the photo studio did a poor job in developing the prints. We're going to have another studio do the reprints.
And here I am feeding the fish with soggy biscuits. Our guide actually suggested feeding them with bread but I didn't have some with me but only had biscuits (meant for our snack). He said that was fine and it was a good thing I had them too or I would not have experienced this. The first time I fed them, the fish all swam to my hand, I was so shocked, I had to move away and surface. One fish was as big as my fist! I thought it was going to bite my finger! But after several feedings, I even tried to "pet" one and it was fun! A Korean guy who was snorkeling nearby was fascinated with the way the fish swarmed around me. I gave him a biscuit to feed the fish and he nodded his thanks. It was really fun and if we go back to Bohol again, this will be one activity I would love doing again.
I said almost.
2 C low-fat milk
1/3 C all-purpose flour
1 bay leaf
2 cloves garlic, peeled and crushed
1/2 C freshly grated Romano cheese
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp reshly ground pepper
pinch nutmeg
2 tsp butter or margarine
1/4 C chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley
1/4 C freshly grated Parmesan cheese
fresh lat-leaf parsley sprigs for garnish
Start to cook pasta according to package instructions.
Meanwhile, whisk together milk and flour in a medium saucepan, until flour is blended. Add bay leaf and garlic and cook over medium heat 8 minutes, stirring often with a wooden spoon, until mixture becomes slightly thickened. With slotted spoon, remove bayleaf and garlic. Add grated Romano cheese, salt, pepper and nutmeg, stirring until cheese completely melts.
Drain pasta in a large colander; transfer to a bowl. Toss pasta with butter and parsley, then stir in cheese sauce and toss again.
Spoon pasta into 4 shallow serving bowls; sprinkle each serving with Parmesan cheese. Garnish with parsley sprigs, if desired. Serve immediately.
Makes 4 servings.
Early this morning I had a dream about my friend. This girl has been my friend since kindergarten and we email and send SMS to each other from time to time. She currently lives in Davao, a city in the southern Philippines. Anyway, I dreamed that she was singing videoke. In the dream, I was a bit surprised about it because I never thought of her singing (she's a dancer). Well, I can't seem to remember the rest of my dream but that basically was the gist of it. So this morning, I sent her an SMS. I told her about my dream and I was like, "How long have you been doing this?" (in my dream). She sent me a reply and this is where it gets really weird. She said that she's into videoke right now! She said that she even asked her husband to buy her a Magic Sing mic so she could sing at home. Hahaha! What a coincidence. And so freakishly weird. And now, here's the million dollar question: Did I really channel my friend while I was deep in my subconscious or is it just all a coincidence?
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Monday, February 18, 2008
1 C buttermilk
1 bottle vegetable oil
breading powder
1/2 C all-purpose flour
2 pcs white onion
salt and pepper
ground red pepper (optional)
Heat oil in a deep pan. Mix the breading powder and flour in a separate bowl. Season with a bit of salt and pepper and even ground red pepper if you prefer. Slice onions crosswise into 1/2 inch-thick slices. Separate slices into rings. Working in batches, dip onion rings in buttermilk mixture, letting excess drip off into bowl. Toss rings in flour mixture until well coated; gently shake off excess. Repeat process with remaining onions, buttermilk and flour mixture. With long-handled tongs, carefully place one quarter of onion rings in hot oil. Cook 3-4 minutes, turning rings a few times, until onions are golden brown and cooked through. Drain on paper towels. Repeat process with remaining onion rings. Arrange fried onion rings on a large serving dish. Sprinkle with some salt and maybe ground red pepper. Serve immediately. Makes 4 servings.
King penguins are supposed to be a wildlife success story. The flightless Antarctic bird — the second-biggest penguin after its movie-star emperor cousin — was hunted into near-extinction by sailors in the 19th century, who used their fat as cooking oil. When the slaughter ended — penguin fat no longer being the preferred way to simmer your cruise dinner — the penguin bounced back, and today numbers about 2 million. This is a healthy, robust species that sits near the top of the complex Antarctic food web.
They may not stay that way much longer. A new report by French scientists in the Proceedings of the Natural Academy of Sciences finds that king penguins could be wiped out over the coming decades due to global warming. Led by Yvon Le Maho, a physiologist at French National Center for Scientific Research, the team of researchers followed 456 adult birds with radio transponders implanted beneath their skin. Over an eight-year period, the researchers correlated survival rate to changes in sea surface temperatures, and found that in warm years, penguin chicks were less likely to survive the lean months of winter, because there wasn't sufficient fish to feed them. (Warmer temperatures seem to lower fish populations in the Southern Ocean, off Antarctica.) Adult survival rates dropped as well in warmer years. Ultimately, the scientists report that a 0.47 degree F increase in the temperature of the Southern Ocean — considerably below current forecasts for the next several decades — would reduce penguin numbers by 9%, enough to touch off a population collapse. "Our findings suggest that king penguin populations are at heavy extinction risk under the current global warming predictions," the study's authors wrote.
That's bad news for the penguins, and worse news for the rest of Antarctic wildlife. Sitting near the top of the food chain, the king penguins are useful markers for the health of the rest of the Antarctic ecosystem. If global warming means they're not getting enough food, the conditions below the penguins could be even worse. Temperature rise due to climate change is occurring quicker at the poles than the rest of the planet — on the Antarctic Peninsula, temperatures have risen five times faster than the global average over the past 50 years. Even if we can manage to slow the growth in carbon emissions, the poles will likely continue to warm. Though the species that have evolved to survive in harsh Antarctic conditions are necessarily tough, they're also delicate. They're built for the snow and ice — change those conditions, and you take away their habitat and their food supply. Extinction comes next, and nothing can stop it.
The situation is no better in the Arctic north, where studies predict that polar bear populations will rapidly shrink over the coming decades, thanks again to warming. Environmentalists are pressing the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to declare the polar bear threatened, which would make it the first species to be recognized as endangered specifically because of climate change. The government recently failed to meet a self-imposed deadline to make the decision by Feb. 9, and the fate of the polar bear remains unclear. But if we fail to slow down the rate of warming, the polar regions as we know them will no longer exist — and possibly, neither will many of the species who live there now.
Sunday, February 17, 2008

I want to the movie yesterday. I know, surprising, right? Well my sister was available to babysit and the movie was only 2 hours long so I figure, it would be nice to watch Jumper. I actually got curious about it when Hayden Christensen appeared in AI with Ryan Seacrest. They showed some of the Jumper moves there and it caught my attention. So yesterday was a "me" day. It was nice actually. I enjoyed the movie. It was different from the usual. Hayden and Rachel Bilson (from The O.C.) were a cute couple. Samuel L. Jackson scared me. He was a really bad guy there. The story/plot was all right. It was cohesive enough but there were some parts where I thought that went too fast and should have been explained more. But that's all I'm complaining about because I enjoyed it. The action scenes were great too. And I loved how the jumpers kept on popping everywhere on the screen. I mean, who would not want to teleport these days? That would me my superpower. Really. So cool. I might just appear on you doorstep one of these days. =D
1 medium-sized ampalaya
3 small eggplants
5 pcs okra
4 pcs tomato, sliced
1 small onion, sliced
2-3 tbsp bagoong isda
1 C water
Brown the pork cubes in a little oil. Set aside.
Cut the vegetables into 2" lengths. Wash and drain.
Arrange vegetables in a deep palayok or saucepan. Top with tomato and onion slices and the pork pieces. Season with bagoong and add water. Simmer until vegetables are cooked.
Anyway, I would have to go back to my studying today. I want to read 1 to 2 chapters a day just to keep my lessons going. I'm currently in a very interesting topic now: sleep. Here's one that caught my attention: It is not necessary to completely replace lost sleep. Most symptoms of sleep deprivation (sleep loss) are reversed by a single night's rest. (Coon, 2006)
Interesting, huh? And here's another one that is pretty important to know: A microsleep is a brief shift in brain activity to the pattern normally recorded during sleep. Even if your eyes are open, you can fall asleep for a few seconds. (Coon, 2006) I guess those sleepy drivers should get out of the road then.
Okay, one last: Only 8 percent of us are short sleepers, averaging 5 hours of sleep or less per night. On the other end of the scale we find long sleepers, who doze 9 hours or more (and tend to be daytime worriers). Most people sleep on a familiar 7- to 8-hours-per-night schedule. For a few however, it is quite normal to sleep as little as 5 hours per night or as much as 11. Urging everyone to sleep 8 hours would be like advising everyone to wear medium-size shoes.
Anyway, I'm almost done with this chapter. Next one is Sleep Disturbances and Dreaming. Am looking forward to that one already! =D
Saturday, February 16, 2008
We Belong Together
Mariah Carey
I didn't mean it when I said I didn't love you so
I should have held on tight I never shoulda let you go
I didn't know nothing I was stupid, I was foolish
I was lying to myself
I could not fathom that I would ever be without your love
Never imagined I'd be sitting here beside myself
'Cause I didn't know you, 'cause I didn't know me
But I thought I knew everything
I never felt
The feeling that I'm feeling now that I don't hear your voice
Or have your touch and kiss your lips 'cause I don't have a choice
Oh, what I wouldn't give to have you lying by my side
Right here, 'cause baby
(We belong together)
When you left I lost a part of me
It's still so hard to believe
Come back baby, please
'Cause we belong together
Who else am I gon' lean on when times get rough
Who's gonna talk to me on the phone 'till the sun comes up
Who's gonna take your place there ain't nobody better
Oh, baby baby, we belong together
I can't sleep at night when you are on my mind
Bobby Womack's on the radio saying to me:
"If you think you're lonely now"
Wait a minute this is too deep (too deep)
I gotta change the station so I turn the dial
Trying to catch a break and then I hear Babyface
I only think of you and it's breaking my heart
I'm trying to keep it together but I'm falling apart
I'm feeling all out of my element
I'm throwing things, crying
Trying to figure out where the hell I went wrong
The pain reflected in this song it ain't even half of what I'm feeling inside
I need you, need you back in my life, baby
(We belong together)
Doesn't that just make your heart melt? I think I have the sweetest boy in the world.
Of course, I told Ruther about what Nikki said to me and he said that Nikki is responsible and sweet without even trying. And Ruther said he missed us all. Almost made me cry there.
Anyway, I forgot to mention that Ruther bought an iMac computer the day he arrived in Japan. He already sold his old laptop (he meant to use the money for a new computer) so if he didn't get a new computer, we would have no way of having our video chats in the evenings. Anyway, he was at first undecided between the Macbook and the iMac. He actually called me while deciding on the purchase. He told me that they both had the same price but that the iMac's specs were better. Downside is, it would be difficult to lug it home because it's huge and heavy. But all things considered, he thought that the iMac would be a better buy. So that's what he got. So now, my sweet hubby has a new gadget to tinker with. He loves his techy stuff. He told me that I would love using the iMac but will just have to adjust to it. Well, as long as we have a computer I could use, it's fine by me. You know, Po-ta-to, Po-tah-to... =D (Ruther would disagree, of course.)
1 tbsp soy sauce
1/8 tsp salt
2 tbsp cornstarch
oil for frying
1 1/2 tsp soy sauce
3 tbsp vinegar
1/4 C sugar
6 tbsp catsup
1 tbsp water
1/2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp cornstarch
1 tsp oil
1/4 tsp minced garlic
1 onion, sliced
1 red bell pepper, cut into strips
pineapple tidbits
Cut pork into cubes and marinate in the next 3 ingredients for 10 minutes. Dip in cornstarch then deep fry until golden brown.
In a bowl, mix together the next 7 ingredients. Set aside.
Heat oil in a skillet. Saute garlic until light brown. Add onions, peppers and sauce mix. Let boil then transfer to a plate. Garnish with pineapple.

Friday, February 15, 2008
Japanese Valentine's Day is for women to give men chocolates or gifts. This is a typical way to celebrate Valentine's day in Japan. Women are expressing love to men by giving chocolates. But it's also common for women to give chocolates to men who they don't actually love, such as co-workers and male friends. This kind of chocolates are called giri-choco which mean chocolates given because of obligations.
Many stores in Japan sell lots of chocolates before Valentine's day. Men who received chocolates or gifts on Valentine's day are supposed to give gifts back to the women on March 14th called White Day.
1 onion, quartered
1 small green papaya or sayote, quartered
1 small bunch of sili leaves
3-4 thin slices of fresh ginger
3 cups rice water
Combine everything except patis in a large saucepan. Bring to a boil then turn down the heat and simmer until the chicken is tender. Season with patis.

Thursday, February 14, 2008
2 tbsp. butter or cooking oil
3 or 4 cloves garlic, crushed
1 small onion, chopped
2 tbsp. flour
1 C yoghurt or sour cream
1 C sliced mushrooms
salt and pepper to taste
Cut the beef into strips. In a laeg heavy skillet, cook the beef in the butter or cooking oil until it is done. Remove the meat and add the garlic and onions to the pan, cooking until the garlic is light brown. Put back the meat to the pan. Combine the flour and yoghurt; add to the beef mixture together with the mushrooms and cook over medium heat for a few minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Serve the stroganoff over noodles or rice.
You are a Dark Red Rose |
![]() You represent unconscious beauty and deep passion. Your vibe: sophisticated and worldly Falling in love with you is: wildly carnal and forbidden |
No it's not.
But at least I got to talk to Ruther this morning when I called him to wake him up for work. He was funny because when I said "Hello!" he said "Hi! Happy Valentine's day! I'm the first to say it!" so fast I just laughed out loud. I miss my silly husband. Anyway, hopefully he will have a nice day today. The boys and I are going to SM City Sucat later for some grocery-shopping. I'm a bit worried about the weather because right now, it looks like it's going to rain any time. But if the sky clears a bit by 10pm, we'll be going to the mall.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
1 tbsp pepper
1 tbsp lemon juice
2 tbsp garlic, minced
2 pcs garlic bread
1 tsp parsley, chopped
1 lemon quartered
iodized salt
Mix lemon, pepper, garlic in a bowl. Rub fish fillet with the mixture. Sprinkle with some iodized salt. Marinate for at least an hour. Grill marinated fillet for 5-6 minutes on both sides. Bake for 1-2 minutes. While baking, prepare pasta to serve on the side. Remove fish from the broiler and transfer to a hot pasta plate and top with lemon wedge. Place pasta beside the fish. Arrange the bread inside the plate. Garnish with parsley and serve hot.
We have also been concentrating more on the boys' homeschooling. We're actually doing okay. Last night we started making Valentine's crafts. Nikki is such a careful crafter. He usually does not want to have paste on his fingers and hands and he cuts so carefully (he's terribly obsessive-compulsive) so messes are always kept to a minimum. Ethan on the other hand, loves chaos so if you leave him with colored paper and scissors, you'll have a bunch of confetti in no time. But he's very dextrous and really enthusiastic about arts and crafts. I also started teaching Nikki how to play the piano. Just the very basic stuff until I enrol him in formal lessons. He gets bored quite easily yet but he can play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star with his right hand and using the correct fingers. The only downside there is that he counts his mistakes. "Oops! That's 2 mistakes now, Mommy!" I always tell him it's okay. We're going to study about money soon. Maybe this week.
It's so weird. It's like I feel I'm not doing anything at all. I feel like there's just too many hours in a day, that I have a lot of time in my hands. I feel like something's missing (I guess we all know what that is). It's just so strange. I suppose that's partly because the house now holds new memories for me. Before you go, "Huh?!" let me explain. When Ruther was away in Japan, Mama and Papa had the house renovated. When Ruther came home last November, that was the first time we lived together in this renovated house. It was the first time we made memories of this place. Before he came home our room was just a bedroom. But after he came home, our room now has meaning. It's like "This is Ruther's space on the bed" or "This is where he keeps his bag" or "This is where we slowdanced one night". So it's all seeped in memories and it just makes forgetting (well maybe not forgetting but perhaps not remembering) all the more harder to do.
It's difficult to think about tomorrow. It's difficult to look forward to a beautiful day because inside you feel so numb. The only happiness I feel these days is when I'm talking to Ruther through Skype in the evenings. I don't know exactly when I'll be out of the doldrums. But for the moment, it's where I am and where I'll stay.
By Bianca Consunji
Philippine Daily Inquirer
Last updated 18:40:00 02/12/2008
MANILA, Philippines—Valentine’s Day, more often than not, causes hundreds of people to run around in panic, looking for something to do either for their significant others or their lonely selves.
Thus, restaurants are always full of lovestruck couples or big groups of people out to have a good time.
However, Valentine’s celebrations need not be limited to expensive dinners and giant bouquets of roses. Want to do something unusual for the day? We’ve got a list of things for you to do, whether you’re preparing for a hot date with your significant other or celebrating contented singledom with your friends (or by yourself).
Have a picnic
Lay out a plaid blanket, make some sandwiches, pop some bubbly, and have a picnic in the park—or your backyard, if you prefer. A picnic will save you from the horrendous Valentine’s Day traffic and is infinitely more romantic than a generic dinner in a restaurant.
If you want something more formal, set up a candlelit table and serve cheese or chocolate fondue.
Watch a play
Take your date to watch a play (trust us, a movie won’t produce the same effect). Have coffee afterward as you talk about the production and share a laugh or two about your favorite parts.
Looking for the ultimate Valentine’s Day play? Check out Dulaang Sibol’s “Sinta” at the Tanghalang Onofre Pagsanghan at Ateneo de Manila High School.
Explore the city
If you have the whole day blocked off for your date, explore the city. Try a coin-flip date—heads, turn right, tails, turn left. You might end up discovering places you’ve never heard of before, like a cool hole-in-the-wall café or a small art gallery.
Go to the spa
A day at the spa is something nearly impossible to refuse. Whether you’re trying out a new salt scrub or relaxing massage with your significant other, or having a full-body treatment to escape from the nauseating Valentine’s Day songs, a couple of hours at the spa will guarantee pure bliss.
Bake cookies for single friends
This is a foolproof way to make other people happy on Valentine’s: if you’re single, you’re sharing (non-romantic) love with other people. If you’re attached, you’re showing them your world doesn’t revolve around your significant other. No better way to prove that giving is better than receiving!
Have a romantic scavenger hunt
Go beyond merely handing over the usual bouquet of roses or box of chocolates by setting up a scavenger hunt for your special someone. Plant clues in places that mean something to both of you, like the place where you first met or had your first kiss. This will take a lot of effort, but could be one of your most special Valentine’s Days.
Hire a singing telegram
“Uso pa ba ang harana?” We think it will never go out of style. If you don’t have much of a singing voice yourself, get some friends to sing for your significant other, or hire a singing group. If you’re still in school, there’ll surely be an organization that offers singing telegrams as a fundraiser. Surprise your crush with a song or two.
Go dancing
Dance like no one’s watching. Visit a ballroom-dancing club and be the only young couple or group in a sea of matrons and have some wholesome giggly fun. Want something more romantic? Bring your date to a rooftop of a condo and play music from your iPod dock.
Set up a date for your parents
Whether you’re single or not, Valentine’s Day is a good way to repay your parents. After all, if they didn’t get together, you wouldn’t even be alive. Get them tickets to a concert of a retro band, or splurge on a fancy dinner for two. Can’t break the bank? Get your siblings out of the house and set up dinner for them, or be their maitre’d for the night.
Hold an anti-Valentine’s party with your friends
When all else fails, hold an anti-Valentine’s party with some good friends. With them, you don’t have to pretend you’re not bitter or heartbroken—sing cheesy songs on videoke, watch a movie or two, and binge on pizza and ice cream. You can also go for the slightly less pathetic route by going for a theme party (say, Las Vegas night or Welcome to the ’90s) to make things more fun, with less wallowing.
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Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Ruther's departure feels a whole lot different this time. The last time we parted ways was when the boys and I came home from Japan last year (February) and he was left behind. I suppose all the new experiences in Japan were just so thrilling that our parting did not seem that painful.
Ruther has not been home in Manila for a long time. He did come home for 4 days in January last year (while we were in Japan) for work-related activities and although I missed him then, it did not make our parting difficult to handle because I knew that he would be back with me soon. Coming home and having him here for 3 months was just really special. We tried to make the most of our time together especially during the holidays and we did make a lot of wonderful memories. Which is why I think his departure this time is just affecting me a lot. As always, when I've reached my highest highs, I can sink to my lowest low as well. All those wonderful memories and experiences we have had together makes this (being apart) really really hard to accept and comprehend. Sigh... Do I even make sense?
I think the weather right now understands me. I think it empathizes with me and really, even if I read meanings in the strangest things, it still makes me feel a little better that I am not the only gloomy thing around here.
I am usually easy to please. As we say here, mababaw lang kaligayahan ko. When I receive a "hello" from Ruther through chat, my heart skips a beat. When I unexpectedly receive an SMS msg or he rings my phone, I do get excited. I'm happy to hear from my sweetie. And even if these things are so very little, they amount to something really huge. He loves me. And I love him. And maybe, just maybe, love really does conquer all. (With a little help from technology, of course.)
1/2 onion, chopped
pepper to taste
2 tbsp bacon fat or olive oil
Combine potato, onion and pepper. Heat the bacon fat or olive oil in a small heavy skillet over medium heat. Add the potato mixture and press the mixture down to form a flat cake. Let it brown on one side, then turn the potatoes over and brown the other. Allow the potatoes to turn really brown. These are good served hot or cooled.
Could be served with any of the following:
Veal chipolata- small while sausages with a mild flavor
Nurnburger- small pork sausages with a strong flavor of sage and spices
Italian sausages- pork sausages that are usually spicy, but still acceptable to the Pinoy palate
Monday, February 11, 2008
1/3 C olive oil
salt and pepper to taste
optional flavoring:
1/2 tsp mustard or 2 tbsp tomato sauce or 1 tbsp chopped fresh herbs
Combine the vinegar, olive oil and salt and pepper in a small bowl. Beat together with a fork to emulsify, that is, to blend the oil and vinegar together into a thickened mixture. Add optional flavoring if desired.
Basic vinaigrette can be made ahead of time and kept chilled. Beat again before serving.
Good for 2.
I woke up this morning to the sweet realization that I was in the arms of my sweetie. Then it hit me that today he was leaving and it will be quite a long time before I'll be in his arms again and then my heart ached. We whispered sweet nothings, promises and never-ending love and exchanged bittersweet kisses until we had no choice but to prepare for the eventual drive to the airport. Every once in a while, I would breakdown and cry but I managed to collect myself in time. The drive to the airport was depressing. I just held on to Ruther and buried myself on his neck to inhale his scent, to fill my senses, to get whatever I could so I could keep him with me longer. I cried, of course. How can I not when there's this sharp, stabbing pain inside me? The day was sunny but I did not feel the warmth. The people outside were busy and hectic but I felt utterly empty. A bee could have stung me and I would not have felt a thing with my emotions slowly draining from me as we neared the departure area of the international airport. Again, we whispered reassurances, promises and love to each other. I cried even harder. Then I had to let him go. It was so painful I just cried and cried while hugging him so tightly in my arms. And then he was gone. On the way home, I just stared out the window looking at nothing. The day I feared has come and I'm just so terribly sad I could cry an ocean of tears.
I hate goodbyes. They never were my thing. Especially when it came to Ruther. I would always hate it. It doesn't matter of he's just going to work, or going out with friends, or walking to the nearby sari-sari store. I just don't want to be away from him for too long. He just makes everything in this world a whole lot better.
I miss him so much. We're going to talk soon. He promised me that when he arrives at Narita Airport he'll ring my phone so I could call him. I know that it won't make me miss him any less but hopefully, it will ease the pain if only for a little while.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Birthday breakfast: french toast and hotdogs. And of course, maple syrup. "Where's my orange juice, woman?" =D
At Bluroze in Lipa, Batangas. The boys just could not sit still. Love the place.
With one of the ostriches. I tried to feed it some long grass and I think it was so hungry it pecked my fingers! But I was more startled than hurt. Nikki was too scared to go near it and Ethan refused to go down the van although he kept saying, "It's an ox-trich! It's an ox-trich!" Haha!
Nikki loved this swing. It's a rubber tire tied to 2 coconut trees. I loved it too when I tried the one next to Nikki's but had to get off because I felt guilty for hogging it.
The birthday boy having a lot of fun. =D Will miss this silly guy...
The boys in their element.
Back home, with the birthday cake. I love the 3 + III candles.
I could hear him snoring softly behind me on the bed. He was so tired from yesterday because he woke up so early and lacked sleep. I know he will be surprised to see me awake and up already when he gets up later. It's only 530am right now. I guess I just can't rest knowing that in less than 24 hours, I won't have my husband beside me again. As always, that scares me and really depresses me. The other day while I was with my brother-in-law Russell dining, we talked about Ruther's departure. I said that I still can't really think about it because I don't know how I'll feel then and I don't want to ruin the next few days by being mopey. He commented that I should be used to this by now and I said never. It's never going to be any easier for me. Really. I mean, sure, some people would say that you get used to it as years go by and it'll be easier to handle and some people actually DO get used to it and accept it, but I guess I'm just different because everytime this happens, it's the same painful experience over again. It's the same wrenching sharp pain the the heart, it's the same sadness, it's the same longing for a better tomorrow. I just wish this would not happen any more.
One more day. Who knows what could happen, right? Maybe next year will finally be the year where we finally start living permanently together. That's not too much to hope for, is it?
4 cups stock
1/4 cup chopped pork
1 small head of garlic, minced
1 small onion, chopped
4 pieces tomatoes, sliced
2-3 cups water
1 tablespoon oil
1 cup malunggay leaves
Salt & pepper
Patis (fish sauce to taste)
Boil munggo beans in water until tender, strain and set aside. In a pot, heat oil and saute the chopped pork until light brown. Add garlic, onion, and tomatoes. Add in munggo and stock and let simmer. Season with salt & pepper and patis. Add in the malunggay. Serve hot.
Saturday, February 09, 2008
I already greeted him with a kiss the night before (we slept at 12am). So I hoped I was the first one to greet him. Anyway, we had plans to go to Batangas (a city south of Manila) for his birthday as a family trip so I woke up early yesterday. I made some french toast with hotdogs on the side for my sweetie. I hope he liked it.
We left the house around 8am and reached Batangas at 10. Mama and Papa came with us and it was nice for the family to get together before Ruther leaves on Monday. I thought that the trip was going to take 3 hours (based on our map) but because of a new tollway constructed in Batangas, we had a pretty smooth trip. We went to this place called Bluroze Farms, Parks and Wildlife and it was our first time there. It was a lovely place. There were animals like ostriches and peacocks and even a huge snake (penned, of course), camping sites, a garden for meditation (garden of saints and way of the cross), cottages (for overnight guests), a pavilion (for weddings and parties, a playground, an area for company trainings, a family garden resthouse and pool (for reservations only), a chapel, an RC racetrack, function rooms, a huge maze, a restaurant and dining hall and a prayer cave. The boys had a lot of fun at the playground and these tire swings that were tied to coconut trees. Mama enjoyed the garden of saints and the way of the cross. She really loved the place and I was glad because it was our first time there and I wanted everyone to have fun. Me, I loved everything and the fact that I was with my family. I was also happy that everyone appreciated the place because well, it was my idea that we go there (I just looked it up in the internet).
The entrance fee was only P80. But they also had the day trip rates which was: P110 (entrance + snacks), P125 (entrance + regular meal) and P150 (entrance plus sizzling meal). When we had lunch, it rained hard and I was worried that that was going to ruin our day but fortunately, the sun came out and we continued with the fun until we had to leave at 3pm (to avoid the traffic). We were home by 5pm and after settling down a bit, I took Ruther's photo with his birthday cake. I didn't tell him that I was going to get him a birthday cake so he was pretty surprised to see it on the table. I got him a 12x16, mocha-flavored cake with a badminton design. Ethan was delighted to see the birthday cake. He loves to blow out the candles. Anyway, we also had some spaghetti so it was all right. I gave Ruther a couple of boxers as my present for him. I know it sounds a bit tacky, but hello, stay-at-home mom here and I wanted to give him something he could use while he was in Japan. I also could not get him something heavy because he'll be bringing a lot of stuff with him.
It was a fun day and Ruther (and everyone) had fun and that's all that mattered. This at least will be another fun memory to remember once my sweetie is away.
Thursday, February 07, 2008
4 eggs
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/4 tsp cinnamon
8 pcs sliced bread or medium-sized pandesal, halved
4 tbsp butter
Beat together the milk, eggs, vanilla and cinnamon. Dip the bread in the milk mixture, coating well. Heat the butter in a skillet and cook the bread over medium heat, about 2 minutes for each side, or until golden brown. Serve with pancake syrup or bottled maple syrup.
This medical center is located near Ruther's office in Alabang. It was our first time to have our physical examination there but everyone was nice and more importantly, there was no long waiting lines.
I was surprised to find out that Nikki was lighter than Ethan. That kind of bothered me but I am checking his food intake frequently so I hope that will change soon...
Nikki was very brave although he did complain when the needle went in. But he tried to stay as still as possible and did not cry. I was so proud of him. =D
Ethan pretends to give Nikki a shot with his toy syringe. He doesn't realize that it will be his turn soon...